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September 13, 2018
Whose party's agenda is actually radical and un-American?
Eugene Robinson had a piece in the Washington Post arguing that President Trump's agenda and policies are radical and un-American. The best way to respond to this drivel (which amounts to Democrat talking points) is to point out the actual radical agenda that most of the media have either supported or implicitly supported based on the politicians they support, who push the radical un-American policies. Because Robinson is writing nonsense like this:
President Trump's antics in his "Crazytown" White House inevitably dominate the headlines. Meanwhile, however, his wrongheaded policies are damaging far more than the nation's dignity and honor.
Hampered by inexperience and incompetence, the administration is pursuing a radically un-American agenda that should alarm progressives and conservatives alike[.]
Robinson, to paraphrase a famous phrase by Abraham Lincoln, seems to have his headquarters where his hindquarters should...(Read Full Post)
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