Maybe Sherlock Holmes can unmask the Supreme Court leaker

Two weeks, and the Supreme Court leaker is still going to work every day.  I assume he is unless there was a resignation that no one heard about.

Who did it?  We understand that Chief Justice Roberts is very committed to finding the leaker.  Yet this leaker is still out there, and who knows what other "leak" is coming?  Once a leaker, always a leaker.  Just check out the repeat leakers who kept the media busy during the Russia and Trump story.

So Justice Roberts needs a Plan B.  I'm not knocking the FBI, but this leak calls for the genius.

We remember that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born on this day in 1859:

After medical school, Doyle moved to London, where his slow medical practice left him ample free time to write. 

His first Sherlock Holmes story, A Study in Scarlet, was published in Beeton's Christmas Annual in 1887. 

Starting in 1891, a series of Holmes stories appeared in The Strand magazine. Holmes enabled Doyle to leave his medical practice in 1891 and devote himself to writing, but the author soon grew weary of his creation. 

In The Final Problem, he killed off both Holmes and his nemesis, Dr. Moriarty, only to resuscitate Holmes later due to popular demand. 

So maybe we can revive Holmes once again and turn the matter of the leak to him.  The new novel should be titled The Angry Intern Seeking Fame and Fortune or the story of the liberal who just couldn't accept the idea that voters rather than justices should make these calls.  The motive was to excite the hapless Democrats 2022, write a book or two, and get a job as a legal analyst at CNN plus.

At the beginning of his work, Mr. Holmes put out his pipe ("no smoking" these days) and interviewed the interns one by one.  On another front, Dr. Watson, the other half of the duo, watched carefully as the interns answered the questions.

One question started with one particular intern.

Holmes asked: "Where does it say in the U.S. Constitution that abortion is a right?"

Intern said: "It's not there, but that's what modern justices do."

Holmes again: "So the voters don't count."

Intern replied: "In this case, they do not.  The issue is too complicated for those people."

Later in their makeshift version of 221B Baker Street, Holmes finally lit his pipe and said, "I got the leaker."  Dr. Watson said, "Yes, you did."

Eventually, Mr. Holmes called a press conference and identified the leaker or the angry leaker on a mission.  He looked at the startled media; recalled one of his famous cases, "A Case of Identity"; and said this:

It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important.

Elementary, Dr. Watson!  Yes, the little things such as thinking this person was smarter than the voters.  Holmes picked up on that immediately, and Dr. Watson said thumbs up.

Holmes got it.  Will the FBI do the same?

PS: Click for my videos and podcasts at Canto Talk.

Image via Pexels.

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