Bill Maher has had it with his party’s transgender madness

For at least 20 years, Bill Maher occupied the more left side of the Democrat party. However, as Elon Musk recently did, Maher is also discovering that the Democrat party has pulled so far left that all he can do is stare aghast at the flaming pile of nonsense that is his erstwhile political home. Maher is, ever so slowly and reluctantly, being red-pilled. Most recently, Maher has decided that the Democrats have gone way too far with transgenderism.

Maher’s take is interesting because he doesn’t have any religious or moral principles that argue against transgenderism. Moreover, as a good leftist, he certainly can’t say, as I regularly do, that transgenderism is a mental illness entirely unsupported by any medical or scientific findings. All he can do is point out that transgenderism’s sudden ascendency in society makes no sense at all.

In his nine-minute monologue, Maher notes the startling rise in LGBTQ identification, the weird geographic limitations on something we’re assured is a natural phenomenon, the change in policy toward alleged transgender people in formerly progressive Sweden and Finland, the narcissism of the LGBTQ  movement, the way women and ordinary gays and lesbians are being erased, the medical risks of puberty blockers, and the very real concern that lives are being yanked off their normal trajectory in pursuit of something that’s nothing more than a trend—and kids are enormously vulnerable to trends and magical thinking:

It’s an excellent monologue and one that’s pretty well received by his obviously leftist audience. (Indeed, the remark about the narcissism got a surprisingly good laugh from that same audience.)

Over at Breitbart, John Nolte has written an interesting piece pointing out that people who were staples of the hard left are very publicly turning against it now. Maher is one of the people he names and, of course, Elon Musk. Other people taking a stand are Jeff Bezos, who attacked the White House for its ludicrous claim that taxing corporations will lower costs; Chris Rock, who attacked the victim mentality the left encourages; and Snoop Dogg, who pointedly ignored Karen Bass, the communist the Democrat party endorsed in the L.A. Mayoral race, instead pulling for Rick Caruso, a moderate Dem who used to be a Republican. Nolte also pointed to Netflix telling its woke employees to keep quiet; Spotify dumping the Obamas but keeping Joe Rogan; and Hulu refusing a Hillary-themed show.

All the above-named people, except for Musk, are still Democrats—and even Musk continues to be all-in when it comes to climate change. However, as Nolte correctly says, “once people, especially high-profile types like Snoop Dogg and Bezos and Musk, stop fearing Democrats and shrug off the consequences of apostasy, the floodgates can easily open wide.”

Image: Bill Maher. Twitter screen grab.

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