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September 6, 2017
Spot the Ben Rhodes talking point buzzword on DACA
From Twitter, the Ben Rhodes "echo chamber" is going full blast as President Trump's DACA decision has been announced. One particular word stands out, one that Ben has uttered first – and who knows, maybe poll-tested – in his ongoing "narrative" now echoed by all the Democrats on his email list.
Ben has been uttering the word since August 24, and since then, nearly all the other lemmings in his party have followed. Liz Warren and Hillary Clinton seem to be AWOL, while Samantha Power gets points for using more original but similar words. The rest of them are marching in lockstep with that one word just as the media marched in lockstep to declare President Trump's inaugural address "dark."
Here is a choice selection with that one word the rest of them are all echoing for Ben on DACA. Spot that word...
This is just unspeakably cruel. At what point on this downward spiral do Trump staff or GOP feel the...(Read Full Post)