Obama, the Aloof Rageaholic

Once upon a time, I dated an angry man.  The list of sins that ignited his rage was random.  One that stands out is slamming his car door too hard. His rage would flare from tension to full Clockwork Orange violence in seconds. And I don’t mean snarky remarks. I mean throwing suitcases. What never made sense about Angry Man’s rage was I could never trace the root of it.  He was swimming in cash, a sensational job, and the constitution of a bull. I finally escaped Angry Man. But, for the past eight years, I have watched white America and its dynamic with the angry black person. It was that old dangerous dance: the person who is addicted to anger and the victim who tap-dances and begs for the bully to be nice.  Unchecked rage often ends in homicide. On July 7, 2016, in Dallas, it did.  How did this happen? Inexplicably, President Obama has become America’s black abusive boyfriend.  He seduced with an aloof charm, quick...(Read Full Article)