October 21, 2020
Words matter (especially to those experiencing brain freeze)
The cultural Gestapo is up in arms over Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett’s statement that she “would not ever discriminate on the basis of sexual preference.” The reason for their apoplexy is her failure to use the modish term “sexual orientation” rather than the now-offensive term “sexual preference.”
I confess to initial puzzlement over the uproar. It actually took me a few minutes to even grasp the nature of the objections to Judge Barrett’s phrase. At first, I thought the looney Left was appalled by her supposed disingenuousness since everyone who actually believes that Roe v. Wade legitimized murder must be adrift in a medieval haze. Then it dawned on me that the atrocious term “preference” assumes that one chooses his or her sexual identity. That is the objection. Those who are homosexual, bisexual or pansexual— yes, such a thing actually exists — have no choice in the matter. Supposedly,...(Read Full Post)
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