I don't believe Victoria Coates is 'Anonymous'

In swamp news, Deputy National Security Advisor Victoria Coates is reportedly being pinned by senior officials in the Trump administration as the so-called "Anonymous," the hideous little operative deep within the Trump administration who claimed to be the anti-Trump "resistance" on the inside, brazenly writing an essay in the New York Times to 'assure' us that the Trump administration was full of such people. Here's the Daily Mail's summary: Deputy national security adviser Victoria Coates may be reassigned to a position in the Department of Energy from the National Security Council In recent weeks, it has been rumored that Coates is author of anonymous op-ed The infamous op-ed was published in the New York Times in September 2018  Last year, the same Anonymous person published tell-all book called, A Warning Despite the rumors about Coates, she isn't known to disagree with the president's foreign policies,...(Read Full Post)
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