Hillary Clinton and the fall of Yale and Harvard

Why on Earth would Yale invite Hillary Clinton, the whiniest woman on the planet to speak at its commencement?  Did the administrators not have advance knowledge of her psychosis?  Her address to Yale grads was all about her: her loss, her anger at those who did not vote for her.  She is, without a doubt, the sorest of sore losers. Hillary quoted Dickens when bemoaning the constitutional crisis she herself has created by inventing the Trump-colluded-with-Russia hoax.  She is the person who colluded with Russia in numerous ways.  It was Hillary who saw to it that the U.S. sold twenty percent of our uranium to Russia.  She is the one who benefited financially, to the tune of $145M, from that deal.  She is the one who commissioned and paid for the fake dossier on Trump and then had her like-minded felons in the Deep State use it to spy on the Trump campaign and probably everyone within it.  It was she...(Read Full Post)