Can William Shatner convincingly play a 30-year-old Captain Kirk?

William Shatner has volunteered to play Captain Kirk in the next Star Trek movie. Shatner, who is 86 years old, realizes that he looks like an enormous knish with arms and legs, but says that the magic of CGI can make him play the role again. He envisions computer effects being used to take the image of his face in his 30s, pasting it on a young actor's face, and then Shatner can supply the voice.   It's been done before, and quite successfully. In the Star Wars movie Rogue One Peter Cushing, who has been dead for decades, "reprised" his role as Grand Moff Tarkin. Actor Guy Henry played the part and even provided the voice, doing such a good job that he sounded "even more Tarkin" than Cushing himself, and the visual result is about 90% convincing. The same film showed a brief CGI cameo of a young Princess Leia, exactly reproducing how Carrie Fisher looked before she destroyed her body with drugs and alcohol, and this result was...(Read Full Post)