Trump Might Restore One Kind of Free Speech

The conservative opinionverse is filled with reasons to vote for or against Trump or Hillary, but there are considerations I don't see mentioned. I might have overlooked them. It isn't hard to find opinions of the “he's better than Hillary” variety, and its converse. Some people think he will make more conservative appointments to the Supreme Court (or any other position) than Hillary. Some conservatives disagree. Maybe they simply fear having Trump be the poster child for the conservative “brand”. I fall into the “no guarantee what Trump will do” camp. I don't think that's all bad, as it leaves room for him to be more conservative than most people expect. And if he's less conservative, another Obama clone, it's no worse than getting Hillary. And she'll never be the slightest bit conservative. However, there is something to be said for a president whose own party doesn't like him. Congress won't back...(Read Full Post)