August 1, 2016
Palestinians and Venezuela -- Perfect Together
Venezuela, the home of the Bolivarian Revolution, friend of Hizb’allah, and mortal fierce enemy of Israel, has recently upped the ante, and most of our Western Media has ignored it.
In a show of supreme solidarity, Venezuela has removed any visa requirements for Palestinians to enter their country.
Venezuela has abolished entrance visas for Palestinians, the Palestinian ministry of foreign Affairs said on Wednesday.
“The Venezuelan authorities have issued a decision on Wednesday exempting Palestinian passport holders from entry visas,” the ministry said in a statement. -- Middle East Monitor
That was a historic first. Venezuela became the first state on the planet to openly welcome Palestinians.
The heroic revolutionary gesture happened eleven months ago, and the Europeans have yet to avail themselves of the manifold opportunities. How did the Europeans miss this?
I guess the Europeans were too upset that the fulminating...(Read Full Post)