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December 1, 2015
Prisoners of their own Narrative
Al Azhar is generally regarded as Islam’s most prestigious university and, according to NYT, is Sunni Islam’s leading religious institution. But just what is the position of Al Azhar regarding ISIS? Islamic or un-Islamic? Al Azhar has never come forward and denounced ISIS or the horrors committed by ISIS as un-Islamic. There is a reason for that. In a recent article by Raymond Ibrahim in the Middle East Forum, Ibrahim, a renowned scholar and one of the foremost chroniclers of Islam’s butchery and genocidal programs in the Middle East, presents a forceful account of highly regarded, disaffected graduates of Al Azhar to the effect that ISIS is in fact following the basic precepts taught at Al Azhar. Here is a key quote from a graduate and leader of the renegade Al Azhar graduates who boldly favor civil government:
It can't [condemn the Islamic State as un-Islamic]. The Islamic State is a byproduct of Al Azhar's programs. So can Al Azhar denounce itself as...(Read Full Post)