Human Rights Watch Trolling for Saudi Bucks

The notoriously anti-Israeli Human Rights Watch was, indeed, trolling for Saudi dollars to fund its work, concludes The Atlantic's  Jeffrey Goldberg, confirming what the Wall Street Journal earlier reported:

... yes, the director of Human Rights Watch's Middle East division is attempting to raise funds from Saudis, including a member of the Shura Council (which oversees, on behalf of the Saudi monarchy, the imposition in the Kingdom of the strict Wahhabi interpretation of Islamic law) in part by highlighting her organization's investigations of Israel, and its war with Israel's "supporters," who are liars and deceivers. It appears as if Human Rights Watch, in the pursuit of dollars, has compromised its integrity.

I've written about this despicable Soros funded group before here and here. In my opinion it had no integrity before this fund raising excursion.
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