Human Rights Watch takes sides


Human Rights Watch is one of the many NGO's (non—government organizations) that has made the term a euphemism for no good operators. In recent months it peddled lies about Haditha and the "attack" on a family of Arabs on the beach in Gaza, But that is just the tip of the misdeeds of this Soros—funded operation:

IN THIS battlefield of political warfare, a group of powerful NGOs play a central role, introducing and amplifying the demonization of Israeli self—defense.

New York—based Human Rights Watch issued eight statements on the Lebanon conflict between July 13 and July 24, of which only one focuses on criticism of Hizbullah.

HRW, which has been producing anti—Israel propaganda for many years (often providing a single exception as a fig leaf to mention in responses to critics), included a detailed "Q and A" report purporting to analyze violations of international law, primarily by Israel.

In a detailed article written by Dr. Avi Bell and published by NGO Monitor, HRW's analysis was shown to be based on "distorted views of the underlying facts, selective omission of crucial legal issues... [that] mislead readers and betray the bias of the piece." [snip]

The reduction of the role of NGOs in the political war against Israel would be an important step toward removing the justification of terror. The funders — private organizations, individuals and governments — in whose name the NGOs act need to take control to end this incitement, and halt the shameful distortion of the legitimate principles undergirding the pursuit of human rights and the advancement of international law. 

Clarice Feldman    7 30 06

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