Resisting Voting for the Demonic

A couple of years ago, author and home schooler Ayun Halliday wrote an article about a child who rode the New York City subway costumed as Hieronymus Bosch's demonic bird. The strangely dressed child was pretty much ignored by unflappable New Yorkers, who are used to seeing bizarrely costumed people.  A photo included in the piece shows a couple absorbed in one another and a man with his hands in his pockets gazing down the tracks.  They completely failed to take notice of the peculiar devil bird silently standing with them on the subway platform.  No one waiting for the subway car recognized Bosch's little demon. In the supposedly thoroughly demythologized modernist era, the worldview that inspired Bosch's art is regarded as now discarded by truly enlightened people.  The art of Bosch, the literature of Dante, Milton, and Goethe, plus the works of theologians over two millennia are considered products of mere...(Read Full Article)
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