Everyone in Politics Needs an Enemy

Every human seems to need some cardboard villain to blame for all the sorrows of the world.  Zman makes the point that, in the dystopias imagined by George Orwell, it is not just enough to have an enemy, but a possibly unconquerable supernatural force: the very devil himself. And our liberal friends have Donald Trump, the enemy of the ages. But then there is the experience of women, and I am inclined to believe that the enemy of woman is the whole world. Thus Greta Thunberg: “You have stolen my dreams.” Who is “you?” Answer: everyone. And the blessed AOC: “Everyone my age is scared to have kids.” Why? Because “you” refuse to solve the climate crisis. Notice how these two beauties share the same world view. They are going to sit there and complain until someone -- some man? -- “does something” to make them feel better. Of course, our lefty friends, ever since Marx, have lived and died on the existential enemy:...(Read Full Article)
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