James Comey: The 21st Century's Benedict Arnold

When I was a child, history was my favorite subject.  I even took enough elective history classes at the collegiate level to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree with a double major in history and political science (pre-law).  I changed my major to business after watching Al Pacino overact while portraying a criminal defense attorney in the movie And Justice for All.  I probably ought to write Mr. Pacino a letter thanking him for crushing my naïve fantasy of becoming a real-life Perry Mason.  I should also thank God that Al Pacino never played the part of a software developer or a writer, because he probably would have killed any future interest in those professions as well.  The only safe career for me might have been as a sanitation worker. If you've never seen the docudrama Turn, about General Washington's spies during the Revolutionary War, it is well worth the time to binge-watch (if you have Netflix) and appreciate what...(Read Full Article)
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