Disposable Humans and the Downfall of Civilization

Evil takes on a plethora of forms in our everyday lives. It can be the ultimate evil as in the devil incarnate (i.e.: murderers and rapists), or the banality of evil such as simple courtesies falling by the wayside (i.e.: not holding the door for the person behind you). I have discussed how any person can be turned into an authoritarian tyrant given the proper situational circumstances. The true nature of humans is one of self-interest, a “how will this action benefit me in the long run?” attitude. How has the progressive movement made evil a common occurrence? Lack of morality, ethics, and the inability to determine what is a valued life; and what is viewed a mere inconvenience, to be removed, much like a dermatological imperfection. Over the years I have watched the erosion of society, and the uprising of “wokeness.” Nothing has prepared me for the utter lack of regard for life as we currently see in today’s world. Serial abortion as a form of birth...(Read Full Article)
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