September 6, 2019
American Jews Are in Total Denial about the Democratic Party
Not a day goes by without Jews being shot in their synagogues, stabbed, bludgeoned by blocks, physically attacked, pushed to the ground, spat on, and cursed; without graffiti on the walls of Jewish institutions, graffiti on the walls of synagogues; without victims killed, maimed for life, traumatized, hospitalized, extended rehabilitation. The list goes on and on. Older Chassidic Jews, young orthodox Jews, Conservative Jews, Reform Jews, non-affiliated Jews — they are all targeted, irrespective of their level of Jewishness, irrespective of whether they look or act Jewish. They are preyed upon only because they are Jews. The daily incidents now pass without much notice. A steady and acceptable level of violence and hate targeting Jewish people anywhere and everywhere is seemingly quietly condoned and accepted as a daily fact of American life.
Where are the powerful Jewish American organizations that are always at the...(Read Full Article)
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