The Second Caravan Sealed the Democrats' Fate

The herald of middle-American radicalism, Samuel Francis, famously described America's two parties as the evil party and the stupid party.  Under our secular savior, Donald Trump, the political division in America is changing: there is no more stupid party, and the evil party is consuming itself.  Vilfredo Pareto's classification of political elites as "Foxes and Lions" – the quick and cunning versus the strong and stalwart – now largely describes our two parties.  The pure foxes among Republicans have mostly been silenced or have left the party; it now consists mainly of a protective pride of lions led by a dominant male more cunning than any fox.  The Democrats' elites consist almost exclusively of foxes, and they are beset by a spreading plague of rabies. Just in time to drive this division home with a sledgehammer and a ten-inch nail, the border crisis has exploded into America's consciousness. On...(Read Full Article)