Magical Wind Power: Illusions versus Reality

The number-one challenge of our times is to separate the wheat from the chaff.  To assist in this task, we are blessed with more information than ever before – but we are also simultaneously burdened with more misinformation than any prior generation has ever had to deal with.  We look back and wonder how trusting citizens were so easily victimized by snake oil salesmen, but today, in the golden age of cons, we are being duped on a daily basis. As a representative matter (and a national issue of great significance), let's look at what's happening with industrial wind energy. The primary reason why wind energy has been a success has nothing to do with wind energy!  Instead, its success is 100% due to the fact that wind energy proponents are masterful lobbyists.  If one reads The Business of America Is Lobbying, it's apparent that the wind industry has used every trick in the book, and then written some of its...(Read Full Article)