April 12, 2018
How a 'Cashless' America Could Become 'Gunless'
The United States is quickly turning "cashless," buying most things from automobiles to hamburgers via bank loans and credit cards. Americans carry more than a trillion dollars on such "debt cards." Banks for the moment still tolerate relatively small amounts of cash and cash-backed debit card transactions, but they would prefer to move solely to "cashlessness" – in which more and more of what we need is not earned or saved, but borrowed on credit for high interest.
Government is even happier with the fast arriving cashless society. Cash can be hidden, despite your bank being required to spy on you and report to the IRS any "unusual" financial activity. Government wants every transaction you make to be taxable, trackable, hackable, blockable, and used to empower Big Brother.
Cashlessness in surprising ways gives vast power to government. Days ago, for example, liberal Democrat...(Read Full Article)