Hillary Clinton and Sclerotic Radicalism

Last week in Mumbai, Hillary Clinton declared that the 2016 Trump campaign was "looking backwards."  The message that followed was utterly predictable.  "I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, looking forward," she said, once again dividing up the country into deplorables and acceptables – except now one would have to throw Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin into the deplorable column.  Hillary's universe of potential votes is shrinking fast. What stands out is Madame Secretary's suggestion that she is "dynamic" and forward-looking while conservatives like President Trump are relics of the past.  This is a remarkable and preposterous claim.  In fact, Hillary's thinking hasn't changed since the sixties, and the radicalism of the sixties was itself grounded in ideas that were familiar in the 18th century.     The sight of a defeated presidential candidate trooping...(Read Full Article)