Jews need an Anti-Anti-Defamation League

Jewish people need an organization to stand up for them.  They should create one called the Anti-Anti-Defamation League, which can start by fighting the Anti-Defamation League, which ostensibly is supposed to speak up for the survival of the Jewish people but is actually advocating for their destruction. The Anti-Defamation League said Monday that it is "deeply disappointed" with a slew of governors moving to block Syrian refugees from resettling in their states. "This country must not give into fear or bias by turning its back on our nation’s fundamental commitment to refugee protection and human rights," the group's chief executive Jonathan Greenblatt said in a statement. "Now is precisely the time to stand up for our core values, including that we are a proud nation of immigrants. To do otherwise signals to the terrorists that they are winning the battle against democracy and freedom," he added. The problem is that many...(Read Full Article)