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March 28, 2016
An appeal to Trump and Cruz supporters
We must resist the Socialist Democrats’ effort to forge, with the MSM’s aid, an irreparable split between us.
Full disclosure: I voted for Cruz in the Texas primary. If Trump is the GOP nominee, I’ll vote for him in November.
I will not approach, in either case, the voting booth as I voted for McRomney, with a pinched nose. But with zeal. If my car won’t start, I’ll walk to the polling booth – only because I’m too old to run.
Today, some Trump supporters are feeling surrounded by three camps: one from the GOPe’s Machiavellian efforts to find a third way other than Trump or Cruz; by Slithery Hillary’s sustained but weakening campaign, inevitably touted by rigged polling; and by that Anglo army of Comrade Bernie supporters made up of aging Democrat Socialists aligned with college-aged snowflakes who were never taught the definition and history of socialism by the progressive academies of...(Read Full Post)
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