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October 13, 2015
University of Iowa too white?
So desperate to achieve a fashionable mix of minorities are the bureaucrats running the University of Iowa that they are reaching out of state, to Chicago, in order to recruit minorities, who apparently are in short supply in Iowa, and offering them incentives to bestow their non-whiteness on campus.
The campus newspaper, the Daily Iowan, proudly chronicles the efforts to make the campus races a more acceptable mix, according to the fashion of the day.
In the current first-year class, Illinois residents along account for 30 percent of the class. Iowa residents account for 47 percent of the class.
Through the Admissions Office, outreach agents acting as representatives of the UI travel throughout the country visiting high schools. Not only are school systems targeted, community organizations are as well. Among those targets is the Chicago public-school system.
Wow! Iowa taxpayers are financing the education a lot of people from out of state, and in fact account...(Read Full Post)
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