Who's watching you when you log on to healthcare.gov?

If you're like me and don't give much thought to where your internet surfing takes you, perhaps we should start paying more attention.  Fox News is reporting on a little-known aspect to the government-created website for Obamacare, healthcare.gov: dozens of companies allowed to gather data on your interests and surfing habits in order to form a profile that can be used to target ads specifically tailored to you. While it's routine for these companies to lurk in the background of big sites, they aren't supposed to be able to access your name, age, or Social Security number.  But even without that specific information, the companies can identify you by other means and target ads specifically suited to your interests. Third-party outfits that track website performance are a standard part of e-commerce. HealthCare.gov's privacy policy says in boldface that "no personally identifiable information is collected" by these web measurement...(Read Full Post)