Career Race-Baiters Target Richmond Tea Party

The Richmond Tea Party audit comes as no surprise to Richmond residents. The city has been held hostage by civil rights era race-baiters for decades. For the last 40 years Raymond H. Boone, the publisher and founder of the Richmond Free Press, has been playing the race card and getting away with it. The same man who recently told a reporter he sees his job as "comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable" is now hosting Occupy Richmond protesters on his 4-acre property in a quiet South Richmond neighborhood -- right next door to long time crony Mayor Dwight Jones. His mostly Caucasian "special guests" camped out on his property in serene surroundings (away from Richmond's poor "afflicted" blacks in the crime-ridden 'courts' of inner city Richmond) is a scene reminiscent of a "Norman Rockwell painting" as one local black journalist described it.  Boone's Thanksgiving feast for the protesters might be laughable if the city were in better shape.  But Richmond...(Read Full Post)