Terrorists and the Dem candidates

Colombia's FARC guerillas are Marxist narco-terrorists, fighting to overthrow the democratic government of our ally Colombia. That should be enough to keep any patriotic American politician at considerable distance. That's why documents captured from FARC  showing that the movement has been in touch with people it believes are connected with the Obama campaign, and believe that a President Obama  will  ot support Plan Colombia or the free trade agreement are so disturbing, and deserve thorough investigation, including questioning of the candidate about his views on Colombia.

Dennis Sevakis reminds us that the other Democratic candidate, the one who claims the mantle of the Bill Clinton presidency, has a few questions to answer when it comes to Latin terrorists. From CNN   in the year 2000:

Fallout from President Clinton's controversial pardons of 16 members of a Puerto Rican nationalist group last summer prompted Republicans Tuesday to introduce a measure to reform the pardon process and require input from victims and their families.

At a Capitol Hill news conference, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Rep. Vito Fossella (R-New York) announced the introduction of a measure requiring the Office of Pardon Attorney in the Justice Department to notify victims or their families of key events in the clemency process and allowing them to voice their views. It would also require law enforcement agencies to provide information on the potential impact from a grant of clemency.

President Clinton was widely criticized after he granted clemency to the FALN members over the objections of law enforcement officials, and after the Justice Department consulted representatives of the FALN prisoners, but not the victims.

Hatch and Fossella were flanked by the widow of one victim and the son of a second victim killed in the 1975 FALN bombing of a New York restaurant.

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