January 24, 2018
K-12: Patterns of Deception
Mary McCarthy and Lillian Hellman, both famous literary left-wingers, had a famous feud. McCarthy dared to proclaim that Hellman was a Truly Big Liar.
When Dick Cavett asked (in 1979) what was so "dishonest" about Hellman, McCarthy snapped, "Everything. I once said in an interview that every word she writes is a lie, including 'and' and 'the.'"
These entertaining charges make more sense when we consider that Lillian Hellman was "an ardent leftist," according to leftist PBS.
Hellman was a pure expression of the agitprop personality. She instinctively engaged in meddling and propaganda. It was almost official doctrine that communists could and should lie. The ends justify the means. Do anything for the cause. Hellman really tried. For example, she claimed that Stalin had created "the ideal democratic state."
The famous playwright...(Read Full Article)