August 20, 2017
Terry and the (Antifa) Bandits Will Inherit the Wind
As the “Russian Collusion” excuse for Hillary’s loss fails for want of evidence (and common sense) as did her “misogyny” claim before it, Hillary’s pal, Governor Terry McAuliffe, obviously thought he had another keen plan to keep his party from utter ruin. Instead, he is more likely to have stirred up a whirlwind, which will sink his party even further in the voters’ eyes.
Led by Charlottesville Deputy Mayor Wes Bellamy (a McAuliffe appointee to the local school board now on leave for racist, sexist, homophobic tweets, the city council narrowly approved removing a statue of Robert E. Lee from a city park.
The move was opposed by traditional nationalists who think erasing history and disparaging a man who did so much to restore peace at the conclusion of the Civil War is wrong.
As Holman Jenkins writes:
The city is a Democratic town, run by a Democratic machine. Its elections are typically settled in a Democratic primary....(Read Full Article)