Illegals working for Congress — addendum

American Thinker recently published an article of mine about AOC hiring an illegal alien to work for her.  Seems she wasn’t the only one.  The (criminal) coddling of illegal aliens went straight up the halls of power from the House to the Senate and, yes, even the (Obama) White House.

First, our old pal, disgraced former New Jersey Senator “Gold Bar” Bob Menendez once hired an illegal alien too — but the circumstances around this one are much, much darker.  Almost hard to believe, actually, but the story comes from AP, via Politico, so we can’t ascribe any “right wing” bias to it.  It reportedly happened.  And if it happened as described, the powers-that-be risked the repeated sexual assault of a young boy to preserve a few votes.

I told you it was hard to believe.

From the January 13, 2013 article:

U.S. Ordered Delay in Menendez Intern’s Arrest:

WASHINGTON — Federal immigration agents were prepared to arrest an illegal immigrant and registered sex offender days before the November elections but were ordered by Washington to hold off after officials warned of ‘significant interest’ from Congress and news organizations because the suspect was a volunteer intern for Sen. Robert Menendez…


[Luis Abrahan Sanchez] Zavaleta, 18, was an immigrant from Peru who has overstayed a visitor visa that allowed him to enter the United States. He eventually was arrested at his home in New Jersey on Dec. 6. He has since been released from an immigration jail and is facing deportation.


According to police records, Sanchez was 15 when he was arrested on a charge of aggravated sexual assault in 2009 (for) sexually assaulting an 8-year-old boy at least eight times and sentenced to two years’ probation and required to register as a sex offender.

Let me take you back to the late fall of 2012: We’d just had “Superstorm” Sandy hit New Jersey, to devastating effect. You may recall that when then-president Obama toured the Jersey Shore in its wake, he had then-New Jersey governor Chris Christie with him and they appeared very chummy.  The president had someone else featured prominently in his entourage: New Jersey Senator Menendez.

So it’s a week before the election, (November 6, 2012) and there’s pictures of President Obama with Senator Menendez, both up for re-election, strolling in the storm ravaged sand together.

As you know, Senator Menendez won another term, as did Obama. Meanwhile, a convicted child rapist, a repeated abuser of a young boy, was allowed to remain free before the election and then, even after he was finally arrested in December after the election, he was not held in custody.

January 6ers would later spend years in prison awaiting trial for alleged trespassing, but this convicted illegal alien child sex abuser remained free...twice...both times at the behest of some very powerful Democrats?

Fast forward to the fall of 2014. Here we find two illegal aliens in President Obama’s motorcade as he leaves the White House for an event with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus:

President Obama, ultimately the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, failed to either detain, or arrange for the detention of, two alleged criminals who were riding with him in his motorcade Thursday evening.


From the White House transcript:

‘I want to give a special thanks to two young men who rode over with me from the White House tonight.  Luis and Victor are CHCI (Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute) interns and fellows.  (Applause.)  They are also DREAMers….’

That very week, then Homeland Security chief Jeh Johnson wondered why Americans are so “susceptible” to the “claims we have an open border.”

Gosh, Jeh, maybe illegals riding in the president’s motorcade is a clue?  Or what even The Washington Post would call “Obama’s Royal Flip Flop” on using executive action on immigration with DACA:

Previously he said that was not possible, using evocative language that he is not a ‘king’ or ‘the emperor.’ Apparently he’s changed his mind. The president earns an upside-down Pinocchio for his flip-flop.

Or this October 2014 headline, Jeh:

Up to 34 MILLION blank ‘green cards’ and work permits to be ordered ahead of Obama illegal immigrant ‘amnesty’

That was a GIANT clue the border was open.

Or this headline, from November 2014:

Drunk drivers, sex abusers, drug and gun offenders not top deportation priorities

Whatever happened to “nobody is above the law”? Heck, whatever happened to functioning survival instincts? Do they think they or their loved ones are somehow immune? Insulated?

These people simply cannot be trusted with power.  The gaslighting was beyond shameless. It bordered on sociopathic.

We can consider ourselves fortunate Republicans have the House, the Senate, and the White House, but we have too many degenerates in robes, and too many degenerates with Ds after their names who can garner a shocking number of votes, legitimately or illegitimately. The only way this kind of aberrant behavior stops is when there are high profile arrests. Fortunately, Senator Menendez is facing eleven years in prison for corruption, but what of this, shall we say, alleged lavender offense of harboring a gay predator illegal alien? Surely there should be consequences, but I guess nailing him on gold bars will have to do.

Attorney General Pam Bondi has her work cut out for her. Here’s to hoping she has the fortitude to act, and act decisively. Sanctuary state governors and sanctuary city mayors are low-hanging fruit. She should start there. We can’t have our leaders — representatives, senators, presidents — behaving this way with any expectation the rest of us will honor and respect the law when they do not.  Examples must be set.

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