Dem violence and manhood
The Democrat/socialist/communist (D/s/c) Party is playing with fire and they’re too deranged and dimwitted to realize it burns everyone. Take the case of Vice President J.D. Vance and his three-year-old daughter:
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Certainly, Vance had Secret Service protection, so his daughter and he weren’t in obvious physical danger, and Vance, taking advantage of that relative safety, treated the “protestors” with the civility they denied him. But he’s absolutely right: they were s**t people. Did their parents not teach them one doesn’t terrorize little children? Were they raised by wolves, or the modern equivalent, terrorists? Or were they sufficiently intelligent to realize they were protected by the Secret Service and Vance’s position? Did they understand many a Normal American father would have done them real violence for threatening his daughter, and no jury, perhaps not even in a blue state, would have convicted him?
And what of violence directed at Tesla dealerships and privately owned Teslas? “Protestors” can’t easily get at Elon Musk, who has the best personal security money can buy, so they engage in economic terrorism. One idiot managed to set himself ablaze and ran, flaming, away. There’s a metaphor in that somewhere. And there’s this:
One doesn’t see Normal Americans, the much-maligned MAGA right, doing that sort of thing. They understand the potential for violence is part of every man, but the mark of manhood is keeping it under voluntary control. Interestingly, it is often D/s/c women who are most cruel and violent. Perhaps they know their men are pajama boys and are making up the difference? Or perhaps it’s cultural as in this from Kipling:
When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
An' go to your Gawd like a soldier.
And consider this from Rick Wilson, whose bio tells us:
Rick Wilson is a renowned political strategist, infamous ad-maker, writer, speaker, and political commentator. In December 2019 Rick co-founded the Lincoln Project, a political action committee whose goal is to hold accountable those who would violate their oaths to the Constitution and would place their loyalty to others before their loyalty to the American people and democracy.
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Wilson means “our democracy,” a tyranny of the majority, and his thinly veiled language refers to Donald Trump and anyone supporting him.
And there is the intimidation, destruction of property and violence done on behalf of the Syrian Hamas agitator, Mahmoud Khalil. Khalil, representative of Hamas, terrorists that would gladly kill every American, has been an organizer behind violent antisemitic “direct action” at Columbia and elsewhere. He was recently taken into custody for deportation, a legitimate power of an American administration finally exercising it on behalf of America. Khalil is not an American citizen, and America is finally demanding, as the law allows, guests in our country show some manners.
The “protests” on his behalf have become increasing strident and violent as in the occupation of Trump Tower which resulted—finally—in about 100 arrests. As usual with such matters, whether NYC prosecutors will bother to prosecute or judges will bother to convict is another matter. This, however, which not too long ago would have been though absurd, no longer is:
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Perhaps the self-imagined elite “protestors” of our self-imagined elite universities are sufficiently smart to understand that sort of direct action would likely see them dead or imprisoned for life, but might they not simply resort to drive by murders of Jews until their demands are met, a course of action somewhat less likely to result in imprisonment or death? If they haven’t thought of that, rest assured people like Khalil are there to put the thought into their empty heads.
While Normal Americans understand that violence unleashed on a societal scale can’t be easily put back in the bottle, D/s/c don’t. Caught up in the adrenaline rush of “direct action,” they’re learning in the second Trump Administration there might be consequences. They might even be expelled from the universities whose classes they don’t bother to attend, so busy are they building a better world through trespassing, arson, destruction of property and intimidation of innocents.
They, and the D/s/c politicians who think they control them, believe political violence is like an amplifier potentiometer. It can be dialed up to 10, down to 6 and back to 0 at will and with no consequences. Normal Americans, people who simply want to be left alone to raise their families and go about their daily business—yes, they actually go to work and produce, or they’re fired—keep that potential for violence tightly under control. For them, there are no potentiometers. They’re at zero or “kill them all”--a second civil war.
The danger D/s/c “protestors” represent is just that real. With the current reemergence of the rule of law, the danger of civil war may be reduced, but those funding and inciting those “protests” never cease wanting one.
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Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. He is a published author and blogger. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor.
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