Words of wisdom to defeat the Dems this year
In looking forward to the upcoming struggles against the far left, we would be well advised to consider the wise words of those who also fought the same forces of evil (yes, we said it) in the new year. These are the sayings that we need to consider and keep in mind to defeat what’s left of the Un-Democratic party.
“Live not by lies.”
—Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
This was not just a saying, but an essay, written just before Solzhenitsyn was exiled from the USSR. It’s an admonition that we should not allow this kind of behavior, and it eviscerates most of the tactics of the far left. Most, if not all, of their contentions are lies of varying forms — lying with language, repetition of falsehoods, and outright gaslighting.
The problem for the left is that lies can be carried along for only a limited amount of time. They project their fascist tendencies on the pro-freedom right, while they have to lie by omission on the true definition of the word socialism with a capitalist veneer.
Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners. Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the “national interest” — that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it.
The far left and the nation’s socialist media (but that’s being repetitive and redundant) spend a lot of time repeating the fascism falsehoods without ever mentioning this crucial fact. That’s how you know they’ve been lying about this all along. If they ever admitted the full truth of the matter, they would never again be able to exploit one of their most cherished falsehoods.
It also follows that the likely reason their tired, 80-year-old “Hitler“ smear failed to work this time around was not only from excessive overuse but simply the fact that the truth has become more widely known that the National Socialist German Workers’ Party was leftist and indeed a socialist workers’ party — go figure.
Once again, Hitler was a socialist. There’s also the video What Modern Socialists Don’t Want You To Know About Hitler, with Dr. Rainer Zitelmann, author of a groundbreaking book on Hitler’s National Socialism. He noted that although we have the facts on our side, the left has emotions and slogans, and we have to take a page from leftists to beat them at their own game, which brings us to our next words of wisdom.
“Words mean things.”
—Rush Limbaugh.
“The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.”
Authoritarian leftists are always exploiting language to falsely portray the political landscape. They’re forever changing names and ideological labels to confuse the public as to what they are. We defeat them when we refuse to play along and use their terms.
We can easily illustrate this with just the words they use every day that are virtually meaningless from an ideological standpoint but convey a positive “vibe” to confuse the issue. A video featuring left-wing “progressive” David Pakman, titled “Leftist vs Socialist vs Liberal vs Progressive: Political terms explained,” is a prime example of the BS they spew daily. He deceptively exploits the term socializing instead of the proper terms socialism or socialist — as in “socializing ownership of the means of production.” Attempting to make an ideology that has seen the mass murder of 100s of millions of people sound like being “social”...isn’t that special?
It’s important to refute the lies by refusing to accept the left’s distortion and outright lies with language. They’ve blatantly hijacked certain positive terms like progressive, democrat, and liberal to confuse the public about their true intentions. It’s time to stop helping them by going along with the ruse. PragerU produced a 5-minute video that perfectly encapsulates the subject: “Left or Liberal?”
Authoritarian leftists belong on the far end of the political spectrum, with communists, fascists, and socialists. Whereas true liberals belong near the center next to conservatives or what could be alternatively termed classic liberals, as noted in a Rubin Report video from a few years ago.
“Trust, but verify.”
—Ronald Reagan
In his speech at the America Fest Conference, Glenn Beck went through a chalkboard run down of recent history, noting that President Trump wants to bring us back to the limited government days before Woodrow Wilson. Noting that many who used to count themselves as “Democrats” have jumped ship, Beck invoked the adage from President Ronald Reagan in dealing with the old — and thankfully defunct — Soviet Union: “Trust, but verify.”
Here, we’re building on the wisdom of being honest and understanding that words mean things because we need to realize that liberals are supposed to be champions of individual liberty and fundamental rights in contrast to leftists. A case where we all should have a mutual agreement is on the Bill of Rights and limited government. This differentiates the pro-freedom community from that of the collectivist left, “Democrats,” and progressives that would shred most of those documents they don’t care about.
If we want to relegate the left to a political minority, we need to welcome those who are leaving the left with common ground issues. We won’t agree on everything, but that is how the marketplace of ideas is supposed to work, which brings us to our final point — disagreements are normal in any organization and don’t automatically indicate a “civil war” or other melodramatic terminology.
“I remain convinced that most human conflicts can be solved through genuine dialogue conducted with a spirit of openness and reconciliation.”
—Dalai Lama
The final word is that there are always going to be differences within any group, and it doesn’t signify the outbreak of a ‘civil war’ by any means. Debate and disagreement are all part of the process of the marketplace of ideas. A political re-alignment of true liberals and conservatives at the center of the political spectrum means that there will be conflicts, but they ought not to be divisive.
The tension among people who have the same fundamental beliefs in the founding document will always leave the pro-freedom community stronger to deal with the political minority extremists of the commie-fascist far left. That is how we keep on defeating the Un-Democratic Party.
D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, former director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites. Find him on Substack.
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