WI levies new tax on public EV charging stations

The left has marketed the electric vehicle agenda as a cost-saving transition, but it’s rapidly devolving into a bottomless money pit. Right off the bat it never made sense, because if you can’t afford a tank of gas, then how in the world are you supposed to drop $100k on an electric car? But that was the story, and here’s the latest development, out of Wisconsin:

A new law begins January 1: tax for charging electric vehicles

An excise tax of 3 cents per kilowatt per hour will be charged by those using EV charging stations.

Officials say owners, operators, managers, or lessees of a charging station must register with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue prior to use of the station.

At the moment, this tax will only apply to EV stations that are accessible to the public, but just wait for the inevitable increase, and the inevitable creep to private at-home chargers.

We’ve been told that the switching to a car powered by electricity makes you immune to high prices at the gas pump, but how does that work when the electricity is generated by “fossil fuels”? If you were wondering, most of Wisconsin’s energy needs come from coal and gas:

Natural gas and coal generated about three-quarters of Wisconsin’s in-state electricity generation in 2023. Five of the state’s 10 largest power plants by capacity are natural gas-fired, and four are coal-fired. Coal had supplied the largest share of in-state electricity generation on an annual basis until 2022, when natural gas surpassed it for the first time. In 2023, natural gas fueled 43% of the state’s total net generation, up from 9% in 2010. Coal contributed 32% of Wisconsin’s total electricity net generation, down from 51% in 2018.

That’s right, almost all of that electricity at the EV “pump” is provided only through the consumption of those energies which shall not be named—it’s not even coming from the wind and solar sector that they promised it would!

I’ve said this before but it’s especially pertinent to repeat considering the topic: It’s fraudulent to insinuate that solar panels and wind turbines are “renewable” while coal, oil, and natural gas are not. Yes, the sun will always shine and the wind will always blow, so these are renewable sources of energy—however, the technology to harness these energies are nowhere near renewable. As we all know, both the solar panel industry and the wind turbine industry are hopelessly reliant on the “fossil fuel” oil industry, and the life cycles of such industries are marred by pollution and waste which far exceed that of the oil sector.

Death and taxes my friend, death and taxes.

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