WaPo wants Congress to get a pay raise

We are running a $2 trillion debt in a supposedly good economy, and somehow the WaPo editorial board believes that members of Congress deserve a raise: 

Congress — yes, even the members you dislike — should get a pay raise

Lawmakers haven’t gotten a bump since 2009. Some have retired because they don’t earn enough.

Members of Congress have a lot of time off, travel a lot, and rake in huge pay, and receive cushy pension packages and other benefits for their poor results. There are 535 members of Congress. A lot of them get elected over and over again, like Pelosi, Schumer, and McConnell, no matter what they do or how poorly they perform.

For context: All members of Congress receive $174,000 per year, and according to ZipRecruiter, the average pay of top executives in the U.S is $93,552, which is barely half of what members of Congress bring home, but private sector bosses work a lot more hours, have much lower pension and other benefits, and have a lot more individual responsibilities. And, they will lose their jobs if they continuously lose money.

Meanwhile, most families in the United States make well under $100,000.

A majority of families in the U.S. are struggling to pay bills and are running up credit card debt, which they can’t pay because of regulations and other policies dictatorially forced on the people by high paid bureaucrats and members of Congress from D.C., where nothing but misery is produced, and most people in the U.S. can’t afford to buy a home.

But according to the WaPo, these poor members of Congress deserve a raise.

In D.C., people fail up—no matter what they do, they move up the economic ladder. Look at Kamala, who barely can speak coherently—she is going to get $20 million for a book advance.

Look at the Clintons and Bidens who lined their families pockets with kickbacks as the WaPo and other media outlets campaigned for them.

How many politicians have amassed great wealth while sucking off the public trough? It is no wonder that there is so much corruption when so many in the media look the other way instead of doing their jobs.

Nope, members of Congress deserve a cut, not a raise. A significant number deserve to be fired for the massive damage they have caused.

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