Soros and Hillary deserve Biden’s tainted medals
When conferred by a wretch like Biden, what’s worse than Soros and Hillary being draped in the Presidential Medal of Freedom (PMF)? How about bilious Biden bestowing it on someone who actually contributed to the prosperity and values of the United States, or otherwise engaged in significant societal endeavors? Given the source, that would be insulting to the deserving recipients.
There has been gnashing of teeth over Biden’s choices, but we must remember he’s not really president, except in name, perhaps. So the PMF is really an illusion.
It is supposedly bestowed upon any person selected by the president “upon his own initiative.” But it is empirically evident that Biden is a pathetic little puppet, a void who is devoid of initiative. And even if he had any, does any rational person believe him to be capable of objective discernment?
Good golly, he doesn’t even support a meritocracy, so how can he objectively identify people who meet the criteria of Executive Order 11085? Criteria that include, “an especially meritorious contribution” (emphasis added) to our national interests, world peace, cultural “or other significant public or private endeavors”?
The village idiot wouldn’t recognize meritorious endeavors even if performed by a giant bunny escorting him from the media. So, no frets about Soros and Hillary getting the medal — birds of a feather flock together.
Soros and Hillary are as wrinkled, withered, and as tangled on the inside as the outside. So once Biden put the medal on them, it immediately lost its luster. Of the three of them, it is hard to determine who most closely resembles the Grim Reaper, even as all their medals corrode.
Sure, I prefer Biden not sully the ceremony, but in the cold light of day his disquieting countenance has tainted the appurtenances he conferred. That’s why Soros and Hillary’s medals are a pyrrhic achievement — their conflicted souls are worthy of corrupted commemoration. It fits.
What wouldn’t fit is if corrupt Biden dared to honor someone with the decent and wholesome attributes of the medal’s intent. Frankly, I’m relieved that the idiot who generally disregards meritocracy didn’t, upon his “own initiative,” try to identify someone who really made a meritorious contribution.
Biden would just not be worthy to decorate, for example, someone like Daniel Penny (subway savior). Or Robby Starbuck, who has been indomitable in getting corporations to reign-in their divisive DEI programs. Or someone from the Cajun Navy who saved souls following natural disasters. Or someone from an organization who helped victims rebuild their lives after an act of nature. Or, for that matter, anyone who truly made an especially meritorious contribution to our society.
Once again, the insight and wisdom in this saying prevails, “Judge me by the company I keep.” Misery loves company, and Biden, Soros, and Hillary deserve each other. The only medal the last two deserve is from one of the worst presidents not only in history, but imaginable.