Oregon: Corruption, drugs, and dirty elections

Oregon residents face extensive problems in the next two to four years. Below are the issues that will negatively affect Oregon’s government.

NGOs and Disappearing State Funds

In Oregon we have elected officials who want to make everybody's lives better by giving tax money to non-governmental organizations whose only purpose seems to be acquiring government grants. We have NGOs that are funded by the state or local governments to fix the homeless crisis in Oregon. The NGOs create rent-free spaces for people experiencing homelessness, and for some strange reason, instead of shrinking, the problem grows more prominent. Examining the situation from a disinterested vantage point, it appears there is a direct link between throwing more money at the homeless problem and the problem growing larger. Yet elected officials continue to fund the NGOs with ever larger budgets. Oregon gives these NGOs millions if not billions of dollars annually. The NGOs burn through the money in less than a year and are back for more. After all, things are more expensive since the Democrat-caused inflation is roaring like a blast furnace. The elected Democrats can’t let one of their essential projects die, so they fund it beyond the original asking grant. After all, it is the people who pay for it.

If we were to hold 50% of the elected official's salary hostage only to release it when the project was under budget or meeting budget predictions, these overruns would stop immediately. Applied personal pain can bring sanity to these decisions.

Marijuana Corruption

What legalized marijuana brought to Oregon is corruption and greed. Secretary of State Shemia Fagan who had to resign because she was taking money on the side from a marijuana business even when Oregon was paying her a significant salary and her job was to regulate marijuana businesses. There have been tens of thousands of dollars donated to Democrat political campaigns by marijuana dealers, followed by laws and bills favorable to marijuana dealers submitted by those same legislators. One of the largest Oregon marijuana dealers is under investigation for trying to buy influence in the legislature as well as other state officials.

Dirty Elections

Judicial Watch is suing the state of Oregon to clean up its voter rolls. Many dead people vote in Oregon. Many illegals without citizenship get registrations through the Oregon DMV and the self-attestation policy. According to the outgoing Secretary of State, 62,949 illegal registrations were sent or given ballots. How many of these voted is unknown, but Oregon governor Tina Kotek and the fill-in Secretary of State LaVonn Griffin-Valade certified the 2024 election.

“As promised, both the Primary and General Election in 2024 were the most secure in history,” said Secretary Griffin-Valade. “We owe this entirely to the dedicated election officials across the state, who worked tirelessly to ensure this election was safe, secure, and accurate. I am immensely proud of their efforts, as Oregon once again demonstrated why we are the gold standard in election administration.”

Oregon's election security is attestation without identification or verification. This begs the question: How many illegal voters voted in Oregon's elections? 

Significant changes are coming with the Trump administration taking power and control of the federal purse strings. With the Oregon state government doubling down on sanctuary policies and bragging about that fact, the battle lines are being drawn. Oregon always wants to be an example of leading in progressive policies. They may get their wish, just not in the way they expect it.

John Woods: Husband, Father, Veteran, Conservative, Patriot. Delegate to the Oregon Republican State Party.

Image: AKampfer

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