Mike Pence goes the Lincoln Project route

What's gotten into Mike Pence?

After wishing President Trump well in his second term, he's made it his personal mission to take down Trump's nominee for Health and Human Services Secretary, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., obsessively dogging him as Senate hearings commence with distortions and misleading videos in a bid to make it all turn rotten.

Instead of attacking Trump, he attacks one of his most valuable allies, acting like a jealous rival determined to ensure that Trump's broad coalition of new members cannot stand.

On his website, he presents himself as the original conservative, the traditional conservative, the keeper of the flame, based on this first article posted from the New York Times about him on his website. The implicit idea, of course, is to contrast himself with Trump's supposedly fake conservatism. This argument, by the way, is pretty old.

In effect, he's turned himself into a new Lincoln Project, and it's pretty disgusting.

Here's some of what he's putting out:

A snake in the grass, he couldn't resist doing this, too -- anything to make President Trump look like a hypocrite:

He's doing what David Brock at Media Matters and the dead-enders of the Lincoln Project have done -- launched a public information campaign full of lots of little shareable memes and videos on social media, all one-sided and distorted, directed at sinking Kennedy's nomination for the job.

That's swamp politics, and not even original swamp politics, just the tried and true smear campaigns we have come to associate with those pariahs.

Some have accused his outfit of taking money from Pfizer or other Big Pharma interests. His site doesn't list donors, so it's hard to say if it's true. But if it is, it's swamp politics cubed.

It is known that Kennedy and his Make America Healthy Again agenda is all about breaking the revolving door between Big Pharma and government regulation, which has served to make many health care linked giants very rich -- as Americans get less healthy.

Pence focuses on abortion, which is a non-issue -- yes, Kennedy is pro-choice, as we know, that was settled during the election, but he hasn't said anything about that position and is unlikely to defy Trump's broad stance of making the U.S. as pro-life as practically possible. To accuse him of it is outrageous because he is fully aligned with the Trump agenda and shouldn't be pinned to past statements in some Brock-like 'gotcha.'

What Kennedy's there for, and what makes him exciting is his MAHA position -- cleaning up the food triangle, opening the door to new inquiries about vaccines, diet, and alternative medicine, which has been shut down for so long by special interests.

He's about finding ways of making healthier food more available, finding out what we can learn from Europe's standards, which in many areas has better ideas on what's healthier, and (if you've been there), tastier.

He's not about snatching salt shakers off tables as has been done in the past by onetime New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg or presenting "nasty rotty food" the way Michelle Obama, (probably with good intentions), ended up doing to target obesity in public schools. He's interested working within the freedom framework of simply making more choices and more ideas more available, and ending the swamp politics that ensures they aren't.

He's a breath of fresh air, and has a long history of fighting for clean, safe water, and other very worthy causes that improve the quality of life. He's targeted left-wing lawyers, Big Pharma, special interests, and society has been the better for it.

It's infuriating that Pence would seek to scupper this rare treasure who could do so much to revolutionize health care and nutrition, and actually bring in people from the left to the movement, too, many of whom embrace much of what he is looking to reform. He already has done great things to help President Trump win the election. Health and Human Services is the area where he's interested in doing something good for all of us now and a lot of us are looking forward to it.

That a jealous, petty, Pence could try to stop this, and bring in someone more conventional who won't do a thing different from the last guy is obviously an attack on the voters who voted for Trump and his allies.

Bobby Kennedy has come up in polls as the most likable politician in America. Pence, not so much. As Trump said, he's going to let Bobby run wild. Pence's roadblocks to that are simply despicable.

Image: Gage Skidmore, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 2.0

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