How to solve the trans women's sports issue

Biological men (transgenders) should not be permitted to play in women's sports. The solution is for transgenders to have their own leagues, their own sports contests. It is reasonable to have men's leagues, women's leagues, and trans leagues (if you must.) This is clear to anyone with eyes and a sense of fairness.

Women cannot physically compete with the strength of men and that is not up for discussion. Transgenders can easily and fairly compete in non-physical contests with bio women, such as chess, debates, car-racing, anything that does not pit their physical strength against bio women. That would be the fair and honorable thing to do.

The argument we hear from transgenders to be permitted into women's sports is that they are… women. "Trans women are women" is the rallying cry of the trans community but it is (a) not true that they are women, and (b) duplicitous; transgenders know that bio women cannot compete physically and win against them. This is so obvious that one wonders what the real agenda is behind men unfairly invading women's sports.

What is wrong with a Trans League solution and why has no trans group (or anyone else for that matter) given it more than lip service? One could be cynical and posit that trans women want the winning strength advantage over bio women who cannot win against them. But that would be cynical. Or maybe "transphobic." 

Regardless of what the motives are and what is erroneously put forth as fairness, why isn't it fair to have trans leagues? That would balance the fairness scale. Are transgenders afraid to compete against their bio male equals and just want to compete against weaker competitors? That is duplicitous.

Do transgenders not want other people to know they are trans? If that is so, that is cheating – any transgender is stronger than any bio woman, with rare exceptions, and to hide that strength under "trans rights" is morally wrong. Or perhaps the motive is the recognition that to form a trans league for any sport defeats the purpose – winning unfairly.

Do transgenders just want to gaslight observers into believing they are real women? Please. Up close, transgenders are rarely mistaken for bio women.

The Left deliberately confuse many things in our culture, lying where they can, obfuscating elsewhere, and flat out cheating in women's sports. But at bottom, what is their rationale for not forming their own leagues? I would like an answer that makes sense to a normal, rational thinker.

Image: Picryl

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