Disappointment from the Supreme Court

The last hope for a small glimmer of sanity in the years-long saga of the lawfare warriors against President Trump has been extinguished by a 5-4 vote of the United States Supreme Court in the following order, handed down late on the evening before the day the Democrats will have their most fervent wish granted: that President Trump will start his second term as president of the United States as a “convicted felon”:

(ORDER LIST: 604 U.S.)




The application for stay presented to Justice Sotomayor and by her referred to the Court is denied for, inter alia, the following reasons. First, the alleged evidentiary violations at President-Elect Trump’s state-court trial can be addressed in the ordinary course on appeal. Second, the burden that sentencing will impose on the President-Elect’s responsibilities is relatively insubstantial in light of the trial court’s stated intent to impose a sentence of “unconditional discharge” after a brief virtual hearing.

Justice Thomas, Justice Alito, Justice Gorsuch, and Justice Kavanaugh would grant the application.

This very disappointing order will present us with the spectacle of one of the most corrupt, if not the most corrupt, and unethical “judges” — a word I put in quotation marks to express the deep disdain I hold for this person, who has been referred to as the Captain Ahab of the Judiciary — passing judgment on the former and future president of the United States solely for the purpose of giving the Democrat party its “pound of flesh.”

It must be noted that in addition to Chief Justice Roberts, risibly referred to by the mainstream press as a “conservative,” the one person whose vote could have stayed this act of sheer ruthlessness on the part of the far left — but, inexplicably, didn’t — was Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

We should all heartily thank Justices Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh for their common sense in trying to stop this madness.

No matter what the Supreme Court held earlier in this term, no president in the future will ever be immune from this kind of scalp-hunting inanity.

This decision does not bode well for the future of our Republic.

Supreme Court

Image via Pixabay.

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