Could merit, competence, and fairness replace DEI?

Now that DEI is on its way out (with some major holdouts like Costco and Disney), something intelligent should replace it.

With our culture's fondness for acronyms, we need a new one such as MCF. It's not enough to say just "Let's go back to the way it was" because too many people don't remember or never knew how it is supposed to be.

We need hiring and promotion based solely on Merit, Competence, and Fairness.

Successful companies and organizations, clubs, businesses, medicine and every other money-making endeavor in the country were once built by hiring the people with the best grades in university, the highest ratings in their trade schools, the most competent, most intelligent people.

In short, they hired the best, based upon merit and competence. The "Fairness" part is a result of hiring the most competent, meritorious people for the job at hand. That is as it should be. That is "fair." What is not "fair," is hiring anyone based on skin color or historical wrongs, which is what DEI is. Our SCOTUS agrees.

That said, should we hire the truly disabled? Absolutely. There is no useless life except perhaps in the Democrat party, but I digress.

It is no longer acceptable to discard competent and accomplished white, male, straight, Christian applicants, whether for jobs or entry into university. It was tolerated for a long time. Those days are mostly gone or going, and now with Trump vowing to eliminate DEI in government, the stage is set for every business in the country to do likewise, which is what is happening. Let us go back to getting the best and leaving the mediocre and the lazy behind.

McDonald's is the latest company to dump almost all vestiges of DEI, after many others have done so. It is just a matter of time before Disney, Netflix, Costco, and the rest will come on board. And not a moment too soon.

Adversely affected by DEI has been the medical community, science, the airlines, food companies, universities, and just about everything else. You cannot expect the best when you hire the least best. You cannot tell students they need not perform to high standards. By doing that, you create incompetence in order to bend to the political winds du jour. That is over.

I offer MCF - Merit, Competence, Fairness: Hire only the ones who test highest. (Remember testing?) Hire only those who are highly competent to do the job. Hire only the brightest at problem-solving. Hire the ambitious hard worker. Insist on periodic assessments of job performance and firing when they don't measure up.

Give America back her high standards. Dump DEI and install MCF instead.

Image: Pixabay, via Picryl // CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication

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