A ‘greening’ Earth is bad for plant-eating animals

More pure idiocy from green pushers spread by the complicit media, via Yahoo News:

Climate change is making plants less nutritious − that could already be hurting animals that are grazers

More than one-third of all animals on Earth, from beetles to cows to elephants, depend on plant-based diets. Plants are a low-calorie food source, so it can be challenging for animals to consume enough energy to meet their needs. Now climate change is reducing the nutritional value of some foods that plant eaters rely on.

Human activities are increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and raising global temperatures. As a result, many plants are growing faster across ecosystems worldwide.

Some studies suggest that this ‘greening of the Earth’ could partially offset rising greenhouse gas emissions by storing more carbon in plants. However, there’s a trade-off: These fast-tracked plants can contain fewer nutrients per bite.

Let me summarize this idiotic article that is meant to scare us as best as I can: CO2 is rising because of “human activities” and this increase is great for making plants grow. In turn, this greening trend is feeding all the grazing animals (that then feed people), but because the plants may be growing faster there may be less nutrients per bite.

Here’s a logical solution for the animals that survive on plants if the plants actually have fewer nutrients: take more bites since there are more plants.

But, here is the solution the green pushers propose: destroy our quality of life and confiscate trillions of dollars for the government and bury the “extra” CO2. I am sure they will know exactly where to stop to make sure we still get enough plant growth, won’t they?

A simple question for green pushers: Would it be better to have lower CO2 and less greening of the planet and fewer plants? I thought the greening of the planet was good? Somehow, these green pushers have determined exactly what level of CO2 we should have in the atmosphere, because supposedly 400 parts per million is just too high. They also have determined exactly what the ideal global temperature is, even though it is impossible to accurately measure. And they have determined exactly what the sea levels should be. They are amazing!

For decades we have been told that humans and our use of natural resources are causing oceans to die, but here is an article that says whales are living up to twice as long as previously thought:

Some Whales Live Much Longer Than Previously Thought, a Discovery That Could Change How We Protect Them

In a new study, researchers use novel techniques to uncover more accurate life expectancy estimates of southern and North Atlantic right whales[.]

Right whales are among the rarest whales on Earth, and their populations are highly endangered. Now, scientists say some of the gentle giants may live nearly twice as long as previously thought.

It appears that the whales are getting enough plants and nutrients.

Summary: Never believe anything the green pushers, including the media, tell you. Their previous predictions have been pure garbage or propaganda to push an agenda, and they clearly care more about money and power than our length and quality of life. It is pathetic and dangerous when almost all people pretending to be journalists just regurgitate what they are told on “climate change” and “global warming” instead of doing research and asking questions. They are great contributors to the dumbing down of society, especially the children.

On a side-but-related-note: Next week is predicted to be exceptionally cold in much of the United States. Did the CO2, humans, and automobiles take a break from killing the earth or has the climate always changed cyclically and naturally?

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Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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