The final 2024 Andrea Widburg / American Thinker podcast
In this, the last podcast of 2024, I consider my movement to “ReclaimTheRainbow” for everyone, not just the LGBTQ+ crowd; the Biden military’s crazed focus on gender and climate change rather than national defense;* Islamified Europe; and the necessity of Biden’s presidency, along with my hope for the New Year.
*This is the Naval War College video underlying my look at Biden’s military.
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American Thinker Takeaways 12/31/24
ANDREA: Hello. It is the day of New Year’s Eve. Tomorrow is 2025, a year that should be very interesting, if nothing else. And I have a few topics I wanted to touch upon and I won’t have room at American Thinker to write about them, so they’ll be part of my “end of 2024” podcast. Without further ado, let me begin.
[Reclaim the Rainbow]
I am embarking on a crusade for 2025, and I call it “Reclaim the Rainbow”. If you follow American Thinker, you know I’ve already written a post about this. It actually has very deep roots, and if you’re looking at the video what you see is a tie-dyed, rainbow circular pattern. Very ‘60s. Because that’s when I fell in love with the rainbow. It’s, first of all, it is visceral that we love the rainbow because it is something that is part of nature. It is one of the great beauties that nature has for us. Obviously, if you’re religious, it is an integral part of the story in Genesis of Noah and the Ark, and G-d promised that he will never again destroy humankind by flooding the world. Which I actually got wrong in my article; I said he’d never again destroy humankind, but a reader reminded me that it’s by flooding the world. And babies liked rainbows. Peter Maxi artists, there were rainbows, rainbows, rainbows. And the Diene museum in San Francisco put together a rainbow exhibition. Someone tracked down rainbow imagery going back to Egyptian art, because rainbows have always shown up in art. They’re beautiful. They’re viscerally satisfying. They’re artist material. And they’ve had symbolism in all sorts of religious faiths. So this was, it seemed to me as a little girl, I was nine or ten, as if the whole museum had been turned into a giant rainbow. But I suspect it was three or four exhibition rooms. Every wall they had, even Egyptian stuff, eighteenth century paintings, nineteenth century paintings, modern stuff, Peter Max cloth, macramé, sculptures. It was overwhelming. It was wonderful. It was the People’s Rainbow. And then, in 1974, Harvey Milk, who went on to become a very famous first gay elected politician in America, but who was then a local guy, I mean he was a neighborhood character, whatever. He was also someone who was sexually attracted to teenage boys, which isn’t as bad as being sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children, but is pretty lousy and sleazy. He asked someone named Gilbert Baker to create a flag, a symbol, not even then a flag but a symbol for gay people. Gilbert Baker was a hard leftist. He was former military, he was out of the military. He was a marijuana activist, and I happen to be one with Elton John in thinking that legalizing marijuana is a disastrous thing to do. It is an opiate that truly is the opiate of the people, it leaves the American- young Americans inert, unambitious, especially with young men. Young men should be hungry and on fire and wanting to take the world on and achieve and do great things. And thanks to marijuana and video games, they want to sit on a couch and stare at a screen and tweak their thumbs. It’s a terribly pernicious thing. And it’s so potent nowadays, much more potent than it was in prior decades. So he was a marijuana activist. He was also an anti-war activist. He was an early member of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, which started in San Francisco. A group of men who would dress as nuns; it was a defiantly anti-Christian movement, to show that the Christian church was hate-filled and that it was anti-gay. And it’s true the Judeo-Christian tradition is anti-gay. It was a reaction to the pagan world around it. It was also a world which was rife with homosexuality and ritual homosexuality. It was also a recognition of biological reality; G-d created man and woman for a very specific purpose, which was procreation. The Bible is all about procreation. Choose life. Man and woman, complementing each other. They are physically and emotionally balanced. I have a theory, a lot of modern gayness may be because of the Pill and that’s a whole other theory, but I do believe a lot of it is the lack of balance of men and women. Because we now have a world where so many children grow up with single mothers. And young men, and young women, need the balance of male and female energy. So the- when you have that imbalance, and when you have too much female energy, you end up with homosexuals. That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it. But what we also have now is a culture that encourages it, that I have digressed wildly, let me get back to the point, which is about the flag. So Gilbert Baker chose the rainbow, and he had all sorts of vague, blah-blah-blah, and it was this, it was already a hippie symbol and this and that. But I happen to believe that he chose the rainbow as as defiant statement about homosexuality. Either he was saying nature doesn’t matter and we stand athwart nature, or he was saying that gays are a part of nature, which is really not true. It’s true that there’s always been homosexuality, but homosexuality doesn’t have a natural use because it doesn’t lead to procreation. The other thing, of course, is, it is anti-Bible. The Bible has the rainbow as the salvation of humankind; the promise of never being drowned again in the Great Flood. So he chose that incredibly core Christian symbol to stand for homosexuality, which the Bible strongly disapproves of. So, suddenly, the rainbow is no longer about nature and about G-d. It’s about deviant sexuality, and let me say when I use the word ‘deviant’, I use it in its literal sense, which is the norm is heterosexuality. So homosexuality and all these made-up genders deviate from the norm. They are non-normative, they are deviant. And in the last few years, say twenty years, the rainbow has been completely and totally co-opted. When you see rainbow, you assume gay. The military, shops, gay pride month. Every gay subgroup has its, and again, I know people also think ‘gay’ was co-opted, too. ‘Homosexual’ is the clinical word, ‘gay’ is how they took a nice, English word meaning ‘happy and joyous’ and suddenly turned it into that only means them. I use it because ‘homosexual’ is a heavy word to use. Very clinical. LGBTQ. I’ll use LGBTQ. So it’s irked me for decades that the rainbow has been co-opted by a deviant sexual movement. And I’ve decided that in 2025 is the year to reclaim the rainbow. I want it back in common usage. I want it part of the culture again. Because it’s beautiful. And I don’t want it to be the symbol of a sexual subgroup. This doesn’t mean getting strident or in-your-face. It means that there are 230, no 330 million Americans. And if just ten percent of us start putting rainbows on things, “I’m not gay, I’m not LGBTQ, I’m straight.” Reclaim the rainbow. Start using the rainbow. Make it ours again. Make it humankind’s rainbow, not just the LGBTQ symbol. Yes, I’m very strident about it. Reclaim the rainbow. It’s my thing for 2025.
[Women, Peace and Security]
There is a leftist trope that says, no matter what bad happens, “women hardest hit”, or maybe “women and children hardest hit”, or “LGBTQ hardest hit”. So, war, “women hardest hit”. Invasion of giant locusts, “women and children hardest hit”. Rainfall, “women and children hardest hit”. Well, it turns out that this is something infecting the military as well. And there’s been something, an X Tweet going around about a seminar talk at the US Naval War College. And I was sufficiently interested to follow up on it. So, I’m gonna back up a little bit because I had to look up the Naval War College. I hear about it all the time, but I wasn’t sure if it was a private foundation or something that’s part of the government. So it is part of the Pentagon. It is a US-funded organization that operates through the Pentagon. It was founded in 1884 and it was then founded to educate, as they say, it was founded in 1884 by Rear Admiral Steven Beluise. The Naval War College educates and develops today’s military leaders and civilian officials through rigorous academic, strategic simulations and practical learning experiences from at-sea scenarios to in-depth discussions. The curriculum prepares ethically-minded leaders to meet the operational and strategic challenges of today and tomorrow. Well, that kind of thing, that puts us on par or even ahead of the Chinese military. Tough-minded, rigorous academic, strategic simulations. The mission, according to the War College’s website is “The mission of the US Naval War Colllege is to educate tomorrow’s leaders, inform today’s decision-makers, and engage with allies and partners on all matters of naval power in order to preserve the peace, respond in crisis, and win decisively in war.” Apparently, the people in charge of the continuing education programs have not been paying attention to that. The Naval War College recently holded- hosted a “Women, Peace and Security” seminar. And what it boiled down to is that the… climate change affects women and children, which across the world, which is a national security issue for America. It is a diffusion of cause and effect the likes of which should make any logician shudder. But what it simply is is the Biden Pentagon driving feminist policies. Now, a lot of people when they saw the word ‘gender’ in the Tweet probably assumed it was about transgenderism. It isn’t. It is about obsessive feminine focus that they’re trying to bring to the military. So the speaker that I’m going to be focusing on, and it was an over an hour long seminar, so I didn’t listen to the whole thing, but the speaker was a gal named Mary Ruth Belsie Preeb, who was brought in and paid for. She has an organization that by the area code operates out of Oakland or Berkeley, California, which already tells you everything you need to know about it. It is intended to educate organizations about gendering to advance women. She’s also part of something called the Pacific Forum. And I have copied here her bio.
“Mary Ruth Belsie Preeb is a Director for Women, Peace and Security (WPS) programs and a senior fellow and Pacific Forum International, where she researches at the intersection of gender and climate security. Mary Ruth holds a Harvard International Relations graduate degree, where she also received a Climate Leaders Fellowship and recently completed her thesis: “Gender All The Way Down: Proposing a Feminist Framework for Analyzing Gender Climate Security Risks”, which was nominated for the Dean’s Award. Mary Ruth is a member of the research network on Women, Peace and Security in Canada, and a teaching fellow at Harvard Extention School”.
In a sane military, nobody would touch this woman because she is a climate change feminist leftist fruit loop. But the military under Joe Biden is not sane. So I just wanted to quote from you, a little bit from her talk, which you can find on YouTube and I will include a link in the podcast description. So, what she says is “hopefully by the end of…” wait, I can’t remember if she said this or the host, and so I’m just gonna say something about the presentation and I think it came from a faculty member, a female faculty member. And what she said is, “Hopefully by the end of this presentation, you are going to agree that looking at the nexus of gender, climate and security is crucial for effective disaster response operations.” This is from the military. So, now let me get to Mary Beth (sic). And she’s talking about the five risks that are created by not being sufficiently aware of gender when it comes to responding to natural disasters. Which, it is true, is a large part of what the American military has come to do. It’s a nice thing for it to do, and certainly within our own borders it’s a very important thing to do when it can help out. And keeping the world stable, good. But what you’re about to hear is an extreme example of “women hardest hit”.
“First, gender insecurities create direct national security challenges, and when climate disasters exploit gender-based vulnerabilities, the resulting displacement and resource competition can destabilize entire communities. Localized instabilities multiplied across a region create broader security threats that demand military attention and resources.”
That was her. Back to me. I’d like to point out that this has nothing to do with male and female. When a region is devastated, one of the reasons America steps in is because it can destabilize an already unstable region. Doesn’t have to do with women. But to this woman, A. it’s all about climate change, B. it’s all about women. Now back to Mary Beth (sic).
“In second place is the maladaptive responses that are often driven by gender dynamics that threaten regional stability as well. When climate stress triggers practices like early marriage or forced migration, it doesn’t just harm the individual. It creates population movements and social tensions that destabilize entire regions.”
Again, me speaking again, not Mary Beth (sic). This has nothing to do with women. This is the nature of natural disasters in unstable regions. But she’s gotta drag women into it. The third is just when we start getting gobbledygook. And she actually had five, and I finally stopped, because it was just… {laughter} I don’t like academia at the best of time. I am… ever since I left Berkeley in 1983, I have been deeply hostile to academia. And it’s not that I failed out of Berkeley or I had a terrible experience, I actually did well enough there that someone adored, I have a Phi Beta Kappa key, and Magna Cum Laude, I would have done Suma Cum Laude if I’d actually worked, but I’m not boasting that much. I knew I was gonna do well at Berkeley my very first day when I was sitting in a lecture hall of a thousand people and the young woman next to me turned and looked at me as I’m taking notes and she goes, “Oh my G-d, you can do paragraphs!” And at that moment, I really stopped trying very hard. And I was a liberal arts major, so I wasn’t taking any very hard classes, either. So it truly was the fact that I didn’t graduate Suma Cum Laude was ‘cause I didn’t work because I didn’t need to, because I was surrounded by people who couldn’t write paragraphs and I was taking easy classes, so not much of a boast. But… and that too left me with an absolute disdain for Berkeley, that I was able to do so well, ‘cause it was just silly. Anyway, back to Mary Beth (sic). Another problem with climate change and women.
“Third, the emergence of gender patterns in climate crimes and violence directly threatens international security as well and internal security. Women often resort to things like survival crimes. Men also become more involved in organized crime and resource theft, and both of these signal a breakdown in the social order. More concerning, the pathway from climate stress to sexual and gender-based violence often intersects with broader security threats, including the growth of non-state armed groups.”
{laughter} So, once again, when bad things happen in unstable communities, everything breaks down, which is describing as anarchy. And it affects everybody. And yes, in some ways women are harder hit. Women do get raped, women are the ones responsible for children. But to try to frame it as “women and children hardest hit”. When a society goes down, everybody’s hardest hit. But having gone through all these lists and all the blahdy-blah, she says, and this was what got caught on X, and people thought it had to do with transgenderism, not just women.
“We need to have a gender advisor for every combatant commander and we need to have a gender focal point for every J-director,” I don’t know what a J-director is, “at the very least.” Yeah. That’s the main point of this one.
I was speaking with a friend about this and he came up with the perfect analogy, and this goes back to the old Soviet Union. It’s a political officer set inside the command. Pete Hegseth save the American military. The military exists to defend America. It does not exist to right gendered wrongs in Muslim countries hit by earthquakes or tornadoes or floods. It exists to protect the American homeland and the American people, men and women alike.
[Death of Europe]
I am about to go on a little bit of a rant about the death of Europe. And it is a free-form rant because I did not dig up a lot of citations and statistics and articles. It was triggered… there’s that leftist word, ‘triggered’. What got me going was an article in the Telegraph, and the title of it is, the Telegraph is the more conservative British newspaper.
“Pro-Palestine group whose director is accused of Hamas links hosted in Parliament”. Subtitle: “Palestinian Return Centre welcomed despite US Treasury naming Majed al-Zeer as ‘senior’ member of terrorist organization in Europe”. And the first few lines of the article say, “A pro-Palestinian campaign group was hosted in Parliament despite the fact that the organization’s director has been accused of being one of the senior Hamas members in Europe. The Palestinian Return Centre was welcomed to the House of Commons last month by Shocat Adam, the Independent MP for Lester South. Mr. Adam, or ‘ah-dahm’, who won his seat running on a pro-Gaza ticket, posted on social media that it had been an honor to chair the group’s discussion on defending Palestinian rights, humanitarian and legal perspectives. The PRC’s Almajed Alzeer has not held any position with the organization since 2019 and denied it has any links to Hamas.”
The reason this is a rant is because what we’re looking at across the UK, Europe, Australia, is what happens when you open your doors to Islam. Islam exploded out of the Saudi desert in the early seventh century. It is a religion based on conquest through sword and it retains its power through the sword, through slavery, and through subordinating and often killing, and definitely discriminating against non-Muslim groups, women, homosexuals, go on and on and on. Islam is not user-friendly. Europe has embedded in its DNA, it seems, anti-semitism. It never goes away. It always comes back. Leftism has embedded in its DNA anti-semitism. Karl Marx was born Jewish. His father converted to Lutheranism, this was in Germany when Marx was nine. And Marx became the ultimate self-loathing Jew. If you read his writings, the way he speaks about Jews is indistinguishable from the way Hitler spoke about Jews. In, under Christianity, Jews are hated for being the vehicle that led the Romans to crucify Christ. And they are also hated simply for refusing to recognize that Christ is the messiah. And they were also hated simply because in Europe’s very tight-knit communities, Jews didn’t get with the tight-knit program. They were outsiders. But Jews were never about conquest. Jews have been about “you leave me alone, I’ll leave you alone”. Jews in Europe had their little communities and a lot of the hatred directed against them is because Christians concluded that usury meant earning any money on money. So it wasn’t just charging excessive interest, it was charging interest. But people have always needed to borrow money, and I’m not going to give you my money which I can use for myself unless you give me- you essentially buy money from me, which is interest. Jews were not so constrained, and so rulers across Europe and England borrowed from the Jews. And there’s no better way to get rid of a debt than to get your people all riled up to kill your creditor. And that was a large part of what kept Jew hatred going in Europe. But after centuries, it’s very much part of Europe. Karl Marx, self-loathing Jew, associated Jews with capitalism because there were a few rich Jews, most notably the Rothschilds. Mostly Jews across Europe lived in absolutely abysmal poverty. Many of them were in the area called The Pale along the Russia-Poland border and the poverty was horrendous and the persecution was overwhelming. So, but also when Marx was coming of age, Jews were out of the ghettoes that they had been confined in since the Middle Ages. And because they were literate and because they were hard working and because they had been genetically bred for centuries for intelligence, because they had to live by their wits, they were smart, Jews started making money. And so Marx associated Jews with capitalism and couldn’t say enough bad things about them. So this ancient European hatred for the Jews became enmeshed with Marxism and you ended up with leftism, which hates the Jews even more than the old medieval European Catholics did. There is no distance between Karl Marx, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, what’s happening on American campuses, and Islam. And Islam also hates the Jews because Islam hates everything that is not Islamic. But it especially hates the Jews because Muhammad was deeply, deeply offended that the Jews did not view him as a prophet. And he went from trying to curry their favor to announcing that they all needed to be dead. So, you have this perfect storm right now of Islam and leftism across Europe because Europe, since World War II, has been leftist. Even when people are called “right-wing” in Europe, they’re still to the left of American conservativism, and they’re not real conservativism as we in America know it. In America, conservativism means individual liberty, small government, maximum freedom. In Europe, conservativism or left “far-rightness” or whatever they want to call it is simply different policies, maybe more market-based, somewhat smaller government, but equally, the government has its thumb on things. I guess you could say it’s the difference between communism and fascism. So, communism is the state owns all the means of production, and fascism means the state controls the means of production, and that’s pretty much what you’re gonna get as the great left-right divide still in Europe and the UK, and it’s ironic in the UK because the UK used to be a pretty free nation and it’s where our Founding Fathers got the idea of liberty. But, and also in Europe now, the conservatives, or right-wings, whatever you call them have realized, and this is where I’m circling back to my point, that Islam is a problem. Because the thing is, when you invite Jews into your country, you’ve proven you’re a free country and people thrive. Because everybody benefits in a free country. Free countries let Jews live, and let Christians live, and let everybody live. When you let Muslims into your country, you are inviting in conquerors. You are inviting people who are open about their goals of conquest and reestablishing the caliphate. You don’t have to collect- connect imaginary dots with invisible lines, which is what people have been doing for millennia about the Jews. Jews have never been about world conquest. What they want is Israel. And what they… G-d asked them to do was bring biblical morality to people. But Jews have never been about world conquest. Islam is entirely about world conquest. And what you are seeing in Europe is that they opened their borders to Islam and Islam is taking over. The question is, there’s still between ten and thirty percent in most European countries. It is a tipping point right now. Europe has a very small window of time within to put Islam back in the box. And that either means forced assimilation which does not work well with Islam, or returning all these immigrants to their home Muslim countries. Because otherwise, what we’re gonna see is that Parliament becomes an Islamic institution. And I’ve written about this in the last election. It’s the same election that saw Keir Starmer become the Labour Prime Minister and a strong ally of Hamas in Gaza. Also saw an unprecedented number of Muslims get into Parliament. And they have allied with the Labour Party, which they consider godless and evil, but they understand that that’s where their power base lies. And Labour is, the left is too stupid. They think that Islam is their ally but they’re too stupid to realize that Islam understands that leftism is simply a vehicle. As Erdogan said in Turkey, “Democracy is like a train. You ride it to your station and then you get off”. And for Islam, democracy is the train and Labour is maybe the conductor, the people who work in the train station. So, when Labour, a Muslim Labour minister in Parliament hosts a Hamas member, or an alleged Hamas member, that is Europe’s future. And it is a terrifying thought because Islam does not play with others, and fortress America, unless Trump can get it strongly back on its feet, with China on the one side and Islamic Europe on the other, is not a world I want for my children or grandchildren.
[New Year]
I’ve sort-of been ranting about my pet peeves in this podcast. But it’s the New Year and there is reason to have great hope. So, I think that in a weird way, Joe Biden might have been the president America needed because human beings are infinitely adaptable. That’s why we are like cockroaches, we can live on all continents. And I think unlike cockroaches, we can also adapt to the two poles, to the Arctic and Antarctica. One of the things about being infinitely adaptable is that we are able to tolerate very bad things for a very long time. We don’t… individuals may collapse, but societies muddle through. And the Left has been slowly breaking America. You could go back to the ‘20’s or the ‘30’s and the Frankfurt School and you could go back to the ‘40’s and the infiltration of the Soviet Union and you could go back to the ‘60’s and leftism ascendant. And we’ve had little pauses with Reagan and when Muslims got ahead of themselves and had 9/11, we sort-of regrouped and said, “wait a minute, this is a problem”. But basically, conservativism is always like herding cats because conservatives are, by nature, fractious and independent, whereas leftism is a monolith. I call it the Borg. And leftism never gives up, never stops, relentlessly pursues its goals. If one mechanism of achieving those goals, for example, in America, economic Marxism fails, you switch over to cultural Marxism. So, leftism keeps shifting the Overton window, which is the window of what acceptable ideas are. It keeps pushing and pushing and pushing. And it has therefore been extremely successful. It has achieved an enormous amount of what its progenitors wanted. And Americans tolerated it. And we accepted it, and we were polite. And we… I have a high school classmate. I follow her on Facebook because she’s just so darn crazy, but she is a radical communist. And you have to understand, she lives a very luxurious life in a mountain resort, and makes her living dancing at parties and she travels around the world and she goes to elaborate costume fairs in Venice, but she’s a communist. And what she posts is basically things, saying that you are cruel and inhuman if you don’t advocate for the government to go communist. And if you think that the free market will serve people better, then you are evil and she goes on and on and on about this. And these are actually ideas that have made inroads. Personal charity has been pushed aside in favor of government charity. Sexual restraint has been pushed aside in favor of not just anything goes, which was the ‘60’s, or gay liberation which was the ‘70’s and ‘80’s, or hooking up culture which was the ‘90’s and early 2000’s. But now you have to sexually mutilate your children. And you have to accept men in women’s bathrooms and in women’s prisons and in boxing rings. So the Overton window has moved and moved and moved. The great thing about Joe Biden was that he was so horrifically leftist in his policies, and I know it wasn’t Joe. I’ve known since 2020 that he was demented. His cabal and his politburo, I forget what they called the old group of governorship. There’s a word for it, and I’m sure you’re all thinking it and yelling it at your computers and I can’t remember it. But anyway, the people controlling Joe pushed so hard. They completely opened the border, they turned the military into a insane gay rights, feminist, religious hatred except Islam madhouse. The economy is in collapse. Crime is rampant. Americans needed to see that. Americans needed to understand that it’s not a matter of being nice, it’s not a matter of everybody-who-wants-to-come-to-America-should-have-a-chance, it’s not people who should be able to love who they love. It is about the total destruction of Western culture and of America. And also, Jews needed to see that leftism is not just a charity religion and that Islam is not just a monotheistic religion, and I said that leftism is a charity religion, because it is a religion. I meant a charity-based political system. They needed to see that leftism and Islam desire the death of the world’s Jews. So people needed to see that. That’s why Trump got elected. That’s very helpful, that Americans, to use a leftist phrase, are “woke”. They woke up to what Democrat rule is. They woke up maybe, to what Islam is after October 7th and seen all that. And so I have hope. And going into 2025, Trump has seemingly insurmountable things facing him. For one thing, the bill coming due on debt. I think there’s a seventeen trillion dollar bill coming due this year on the debt. There the Iraq- I’m sorry, Ukrainian-Russian war which ought never to have started. Someone recommended a guy named Steven Kopich wrote an article some time ago at American Thinker saying that Ukraine should just sell the disputed region, the Donbas region, to Russia. Russia would get that region it wanted. It wasn’t pushing to take all of Ukraine. And Ukraine would have gotten some much-needed money that didn’t come from American coffers. But noooo, that’s not what happened. So we’ve had a war.
{dog barking} Oh my goodness, let me grab my dog. Hold on a sec. So we had… he’s an adorable dog. He’s my watchdog.
So we had a big war, and we’ve been paying for it, and of course, what happened in Israel was because Iran looked at America and saw weakness and thought now is the time. We saw what Trump is gonna face, is the war in Ukraine. He’s going to start backing Israel in its war against Iran and Iran’s proxies Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis. He is facing a disastrous economic situation. He’s facing a broken border. Maybe I shouldn’t be optimistic about 2025 because everything that Biden seeded is coming to a head in 2025. And when I say ‘seeded’ I mean S-E-E-D, not C-E-D-E, ‘cause when I say words I see them in my head. But I have faith in Trump. He is not a miracle worker. He is a man. But he is a man who thinks outside of the box. And he is a man who is willing to bully people and cajole people and he will praise bad guys to get what he wants from them. And he will speak softly and carry a big stick, and he will speak loudly and carry a big stick. And so overall, I am optimistic going into 2025 and I wish all of you the happiest of Happy New Years. And let’s keep the faith and let’s not be too fractious because the biggest enemy Trump had during his first term was the RINOs. So, let’s not stampede Trump with RINOs. Let’s have a little faith in him and have his back going into the New Year.