The boneyard of failed political careers

First off, we have the original boneyard shrine to Richard M. Nixon who managed to rise up from the dead before he fell again. After losing a squeaker to John F. Kennedy, he then lost the California governor’s contest to Jerry Brown’s father -- after which he uttered the famous line “You won’t have tricky Dick Nixon to kick around anymore.” And yet, he then became the only native Californian to reach the top of the political heap… only to fall again. Heads are still being scratched over why some of his re-election operatives would commit such a risky act as the Watergate break-in when he was polling so far ahead of George McGovern during the entire campaign.

Next, we have the special tomb of the woke-progressive district attorneys. Chesa Boudin was dumped during his first term by the voters of archetypically progressive San Francisco… since he managed to gross even them out. Perhaps because both of his parents were convicted homicidal felons, he may have had a special love for those of the criminal persuasion. Recently the DA from across the Bay, Pamela Price, earned the same distinction, along with former SF police chief-turned LA district attorney George Gascon, who at least can still earn a living playing Kermit the Frog.

Now, the construction project on your left is going to be the shrine for Kamala Harris, the first vice president to be raised by Marxists. There’s a joke going around that she’s in line to replace Gavin Newsom as governor of California when he’s termed out in 2026. We went ahead with construction anyhow, since the voters of California have already seen way too much of her and her obnoxious cackle.

That high stone wall near the exit is the secure bunker where we sequester those who have willingly committed political suicide. The only occupant thus far is Liz[ard] Cheney. Being the sole representative for the entire state of Wyoming, she refused to actually represent her constituents… and was promptly sent to the boneyard as a result.

Just FYI, during the drafting of the Constitution, the Anti-Federalists wanted to have only one-year terms for representatives -- so there would be even greater direct representation by the people’s house. The two-year term was, however, the ultimate result.

Image: AT via Magic Studio

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