How can anyone say our unemployment stats are good?
I would challenge anyone to look at employment and unemployment statistics over the last year and justify the media’s and other Democrats’ talking points that the economy is strong.
These numbers are from the household survey at the Department of Labor.
Civilian labor force, Nov. 2023: 168.1 million. Nov 2024: 168.3 million. Up a minuscule 200,000. That is weak.
Labor participation rate, Nov. 2023: 62.8 percent. Nov. 2024: 62.5 percent. Down 0.3 percent. That is weak.
Number of people employed, Nov. 2023: 161.9 million. Nov. 2024: 161.1 million. Down 800,000, not up 2 million, as we are told. That is extremely weak.
Number of unemployed, Nov. 2023: 6.3 million. Nov. 2024: 7.1 million, up 800,000. That is weak.
Unemployment rate, Nov. 2023: 3.7 percent. Nov. 2024: 4.2 percent. That is weak.
Number of people not in the labor force, Nov. 2023: 99.7 million. Nov. 2024: 101.2 million. A drop of 1.5 million. That is very weak
Unemployment rate, adult men over 20, Nov. 2023: 3.7 percent. Nov. 2024, 3.9 percent. That is weak.
Unemployment rate, adult women over 20, Nov. 2023: 3.1 percent. Nov. 2024: 3.9 percent. That is very weak.
Unemployment rate, teenagers, Nov. 2023: 11.4 percent. Nov. 2024: 13.2 percent. Very weak.
White unemployment, Nov. 2023: 3.3 percent. Nov. 2024: 3.8 percent. Weak.
Black unemployment, Nov. 2023: 5.8 percent. Nov. 2024: 6.4 percent. Very weak.
Asian unemployment, Nov. 2023: 3.5 percent. Nov. 2024: 3.8 percent. Weak.
Hispanic unemployment, Nov. 2023: 4.6 percent. Nov. 2024: 5.3 percent. Very weak.
Not one of the above statistics from the government shows a strong economy or a strong job market, yet most of the media and other Democrats were told throughout 2024 about how great the economy and Democrat policies were. The voters were told that they just didn't understand how great they had it.
We are also constantly told that immigration, whether legal or illegal, greatly helps the economy and the American people. I would challenge anyone to look at the above facts and explain how we have been helped. Towns are being overwhelmed by illegals.
Basically, the media just spew forth talking points on climate, the economy, immigration, COVID, and anything else the Democrats are pushing. Facts have been irrelevant to them for a long time. They are essentially Democrat campaign workers, which makes them worthless as sources for people, especially voters, to learn from.
This is the same media who continuously told the public how sharp Biden was until that debate. Then they falsely acted surprised at how diminished his mind has been. It is similar to falsely acting shocked that he pardoned Hunter. They acted as if congenital liar Biden always told the truth.
Thank goodness the voters paid attention to their pocketbook instead of the propaganda, the misinformation, that they were fed every day.
Image via Pixabay.