George Clooney learns about life

Since the collapse of his hopes for the Oceans franchise, it’s being widely asserted that George Clooney is being punished by Hollywood for “alienating the American people” through his opposition to Donald Trump. But that ain’t it – since when has Hollywood ever given a damn what Americans think?

In truth, Clooney is being scapegoated for his perceived role in the Democrat defeat in the 2024 election. At the behest of none other than Barry Obama himself, Clooney wrote an editorial for the NYT calling for Joe Biden to step down in the wake of Biden’s disastrous debate performance last July. Clooney was manipulated into publicly stating what everybody was thinking but was too afraid to say. Much the same as with Walter Cronkite and Lyndon Johnson in 1968, Biden concluded that if he’d lost Hollywood, he’d lost everyone. He left the field, tossing the Kamala grenade into the Democrat bunker as he left.  

Everyone knows how that worked out. Ever since November 5th, the Democrats, the Left, and the media have been rooting around looking for someone to blame, and poor George proved to be expendable. He tried to play with the big boys, and they used him and threw him to the wolves. In the end, George Clooney, A-lister, turned out to be just another Democrat voter, another inner-city black, another feckless immigrant, another deluded suburbanite to be manipulated and then tossed aside as soon as the polls closed.

Clooney is never going to miss a meal. But if he wants to continue working, he’ll have to adjust. To rekindle his career, he’ll need to take his time and start out small, a few guest roles on the tube, maybe some kind of deal with a streaming channel, a low-budget independent film or two. This may be hard to take for a star of Clooney’s magnitude. But it could be worse. He can’t simply be unpersonned the way the Left’s Soviet exemplars did back in the day.

The lesson here is clear: the Dems are just as rabidly vicious toward their allies as they are toward their enemies.

And I never thought that horny toad was actually Pete, either.


Image: AT via Magic Studio

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