Dems in the political wilderness...and bewildered
Winning is the gift that keeps on giving. It’s not just that we saved the country from the ravages of the fascist far left, conserved the Bill of Rights, and turned the tide away from totalitarianism. But it also reveals basic truths about the two sides of the political spectrum. It’s also fostering a massive political realignment that will likely see the diminishment of the far left to a minuscule fringe party that will serve as a warning to future generations against ever handing them any power.
It's always good to remind people that fascism is far-left, as is every other collectivist ideology, because leftists are masters at lying with language as they continually work to confuse the logical arrangement of ideologies on the political spectrum.
The far left has always been the home of the force of authoritarianism, because it’s simply the only way that collectivist ideologies can work. This is contrasted with the freedom-based far-right end of the scale, imbued with the precepts of individualism. The spectrum begins with the far-right freedom ideologies of anarchism, libertarianism, and then conservatism in the middle of the spectrum. In contrast, the opposite end has the authoritarian, force-based ideologies of communism, fascism, and socialism of the far left. These basic truths show why the left has to lie and always confuse the situation, with absurd assertions that a national socialist party would somehow be “far-right.” Because no one would support a political movement founded in force, as is the far left.
One of the far left’s fundamental ways of doing this is to lie with language and virtually banish certain words while over-emphasizing others to alter reality. For example:
■ PBS staff used 162 variations of “far right” labels and only six “far left” labels, an astounding ratio of 27 to 1.
■ PBS staff also used mere "right-wing" and "left-wing" labels at a disparity of 33 to 6. So overall, the labeling disparity was 195 to 12. ...
Even that stark 27:1 ratio understates the full extent of the slant. “Right” labels were often targeted at specific people or groups and conveyed a sense of menace. The rare “left” labels were often merely quotes from the Republican campaign trail or amorphous descriptions that lacked the specificity or warning connotation of the right labels, or were loaded with caveats.
The intent is an almost constant subliminal campaign to make it seem as though the left is one amorphous political entity that represents most of the people, whereas the pro-freedom side of the political spectrum is a small fringe minority.
This is a reference to one of the left’s biggest lies — a falsehood that has been eviscerated in recent years and is at best running on fumes at this point. But that hasn’t stopped the left from using it.
The aftermath of the election has taken much of the usual drudgery out of looking in at what the lefties are doing these days. It’s become an exercise worthy of the adjective schadenfroh, given their projection — accusations over the past few months. Given that they certainly weren’t shy about hurling ahistorical accusations that we were somehow a national party of socialists, garbage, or that President Trump was comparable to a collectivist, genocidal maniac and the Original Social Justice Warrior.
The big problem for the left these days is that their infighting and squabbling over why they are losing is showing massive cracks in their monolithic façade. They supposedly represent everyone from the authoritarians of the far left to moderates in the middle. Media manipulation and cancel culture used to keep many in the middle in line, but that’s no longer the case. Now the fascist far left is desperately trying to maintain their monolithic coalition with the virtual equivalent of duct tape and bailing wire, but the nation’s socialist media has lost its influence, and cancel culture falls apart when its purveyors are out of power.
So now it’s becoming downright fun to watch them in circular firing squad mode, with some in their cabal attacking the far left, such as this Common Sense Democrat manifesto from Matthew Yglesias:
Most elected Democrats are not, themselves, actually that far left, and when faced with acute electoral peril, they swiftly ditch ideas like defund the police or openness to unlimited asylum claims.
Or this piece recently from The Hill:
There is more to lose than there is to gain politically from pandering to a far left that is more representative of Twitter, Twitch, and TikTok than it is of the real world. The working class is not buying the ivory-towered nonsense that the far left is selling.”
Meanwhile, the fascists of the far left are firing back.
A group of liberal intellectuals is revising history to explain Harris’ loss — and avoiding reckoning with the party's economic blindspot.
Notice that they are targeting liberal intellectuals, highlighting the point that Dennis Prager has made many a time — as we have as well — that it’s vitally important to distinguish between leftists and liberals.
Then there is this: “Did Democrats Run Too Far to the Left?”
Democrats did run into trouble by going left on the range of “woke” themes. ...
For a strong rendition of the pocketbook left, we can look to Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. As Sanders put it the day after the election, “It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working class people would find that the working class has abandoned them.”
That last line from the wealthy millionaire, and owner of three houses, highlights the fact that leftists are complete frauds, and even worse for them is that everyone knows this. Consider this stunning admission from Ken Martin, a candidate for DNC chair:
“The majority of Americans now believe the Republican Party best represents the interests of the working class and the poor, and the Democratic Party is the party of the wealthy and the elites. It’s a damning indictment on our party brand,” the memo reads.
Remember that leftists down through the centuries have always presented and prided themselves as the party of the “proletariat,” and here’s an open admission that they’re the bourgeoisie. The people are seeing through the lies and the incessant fraud.
All of this means that the left is falling apart, with pro-liberty people leaving because they’ve had enough. The fascist far left’s fundamental frauds are showing why they shouldn’t be anything more than a fringe political minority.
D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, former director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites. Find him on Substack.
Image via Pexels.