‘Cutesy time is over’

The last four years have seen the progressive movement culminate in full blown totalitarian Marxism.

  • The rigging of elections and election systems.
  • The weaponization of “justice.”
  • Censorship.
  • Abuse by the bureaucratic state.
  • The bastardization of science, designed to serve political ends.
  • Racism cloaked as anti-racism.
  • Attack on faith, families, and children.
  • The promotion of sexual and gender confusion.
  • Party propaganda advanced as news.
  • Border invasion.
  • War for profit.

To quote Steve Bannon’s opening of his podcast — “the people have had a bellyful of it.”

As I’ve written elsewhere, we should appeal to any “normies” in the Democrat party and continue to expand the MAGA tent, but it should be full on “attack mode” against the radical left.  Divide and conquer.

As Dan Bongino says, “cutesy time is over.”

No more quisling, go-along-to-get-along Republicans.  No more Deep State “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.”

Donald Trump won a mandate to lead.  He spoke clearly about what he intended to do if elected.  He deserves (and we deserve) to see his agenda put into action.  If he fails, as many err, umm, pundits have pronounced, then 2028 will be a referendum on his failures.  If the people sour on his economic prescriptions, his anti-war stance, his desire to see healthy foods and the diminished use of drugs to maintain healthy lifestyles, the deportation of criminal illegal aliens, and his efforts to Make America Great Again, so be it, but he deserves the opportunity to do what the people voted for him to do.

The Media

Any and every chance we get, we should refer to the “legacy media” as Pravda (“Truth,” sarcastically, in Russian).  Legacy media should be given two options: one, report honestly, or two, be destroyed.  Having an opinion is fine.  Passing off your (party-generated) opinion as fact means we will actively work to nix your company.

Social Media

Same as The Media above.  You’re either a platform or a publisher.  If you control (censor) content, you are a publisher and need to be regulated or broken up.  Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Tik-Tok.  You either play straight or get destroyed.

Far-Left, Radical-Left, Marxist Wing of the Democrat Party

How many of us, individually and worldwide, have been referred to as far-right or radical-right?  “Far-right” most often means center, or center-right — or, most commonly, maintaining a viewpoint not accepted, or approved of, by the left.

Democrats should be categorized as liberal/normie and far-left (radical-left), or of the Marxist wing of the Democrat party.

AOC wants to run for president.  Knock yourself out.  Refer to AOC constantly as the far-left Marxist wing candidate for president.  Do not call her a Democrat.

Bernie Sanders – Marxist

Elizabeth Warren – Radical-Left Democrat

Gavin Newsom – Far-Left Democrat

J.B. Pritzker – Marxist

The left has attempted to use Rules for Radicals to smear conservatives and everyday American citizens.  We should take a page out of Saul Alinsky’s book and return the favor.

There should be no problem with any liberal or normie who has a different opinion about tax policy or whether we should advance school choice, or how we should go about reforming education, but if you are a radical leftist who wants to destroy (fundamentally transform) our nation, we will stand vigorously against you.

Cutesy time is over.

<p><em>Image: Tom Hilton via <a  data-cke-saved-href=

Image: Tom Hilton via Flickr, CC BY 2.0.

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