Why leftists lie
It is not an uncommon argument for a wife to complain to her husband, “You never talk to me.” To which the husband might respond, “What do you think we are doing now?” To analyze this exchange we might see the same language used for two different purposes. For the wife, language is used to express how she feels. For the husband, language is used factually. Sadly, the husband often fails to recognize that it is up to him to translate his wife’s distress and take steps to verbally connect with her.
In the example above, both parties were speaking truth but in different ways. Using the example of when a leftist accuses Trump of being Hitler, we find a greater distortion of language than just expressing emotional distress. The basic problem is a different view of truth. One can see truth as an absolute and unchangeable description of reality. However, leftists often see truth as relativistic and more fluid. A flexible truth in support of what one wants or how one feels can be much more useful.
Another component to factor in understanding the trouble leftists have with truth can be found with the word “hypocrisy.” Derived from the Greek meaning to “speak from under a mask,” we tend to think of the word as intentional deception such as the actor’s art. However, the warning Jesus gave his disciples about this touches a more profound aspect, that of self-deception. This may be more similar to an actor who “gets lost in his part.” In the Seinfeld TV show, George Costanza, attempting to condense his expertise in lying, tells Jerry, “It’s not a lie if you believe it.”
We are all born helpless, ignorant, and selfish. We rely on our parents to help us learn to see truth, develop self-discipline, and navigate a potentially hostile world. Leftists are like children who never learned to see truth, or have regressed to a childish state. One can see the appeal of the irrational to a child. For example, the prospect of unlimited ice cream might induce a child to agree with anything. Similarly, the appeal of communism (when presented as “everyone can have everything all the time”) has a strong appeal.
Perhaps Jesus warned his disciples against self-deception because it is a prison that one seldom escapes. Without the ability or desire to see truth no amount of failure can put a dent into utopian dreams. Leftists lie because it helps them get what they want and makes them feel good. In the artificial world their childish imagination has created, this is as real and true as unicorns, free beer, forgiven student debt, endless government borrowing, and unrestrained sensual indulgences. Those who would threaten this world are enemies that need to be destroyed.
Image: Free image, Pixabay license.